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Opinions of Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Columnist: Innocent, Ivan Kyei

The Tongue Of A Fool, Tweaa In Perspective

"Who said tweaa" and its accompanying response "are you my co-equal" has for time now become the most popular phrase both in the media and the general public after the former DCE for Ahafo Ano South in the Ashanti region had shamefully put up a scene at a public function where several other dignitaries were in attendance and walked out on them after several attempts to calm him down had proved unsuccessful.

According to the DCE Mr.Gabriel Barimah, unidentified voice rudely interjected him with unsavory comments tweaaaaaa.. in the course of delivering his public address to the chiefs and the people of Ahafo Ano South. The former DCE for Ahafo Ano under the guise of his authority being questioned by someone who according to him was not his co-equal poured a dirty vernom which eventually poised everyone at the function.
After shouting and ranting for several minutes in his aggressive and anger mood to figure the culprit who said tweaa, he threw away the microphone and walkout of the function
although in his subsequent interview with the media admitted he returned to the gathering to apologise to the people present but there are less facts to authenticate such caims. This is how the now popular tweaa evolved.
The incidents which a lot view as naughty sharply infiltrated public discourse, both audio and video of the incidents went viral in the various social media platforms including whatspp and Facebook. A lot of concerns were raised compelling the President to take appropriate sanctions against such unruly behaviour of the aged DCE but president was never intimidated by the public pressure calling on him to immediately dismiss the DCE.

The President rather resorted to due process by setting up a committee to probe the incidents although a lot people expressed their utter dissatisfaction about the setting of a committee to look into a sure incidents which demand immediate dismissal. Upon the committee's findings and recommendations and the President in consultation with his advisers decided to give the DCE a second chance but tweaaaaaa...... no matter the modifications in the invention of chamber pot it can never be used as a cooking utensil.

In a recent interview granted Accra based radio station, the DCE stated emphatically that he never regreted saying tweaa... because according to him it has made him popular. "now wherever you go and people are saying all sorts of things, if you say 'tweaa', their attention will be shifted to the 'tweaa' and then you become free,"
"A woman called me from abroad and she said, are you the tweaa DCE? ooh l'm happy talking to you, anytime l come to Ghana l will look for you, had it not been this tweaa how can a young lady abroad would have heard about me, so you see it has made me popular and l don't regret saying so". This has indeed sparked public sentiments as to whether the sorry-apology rendered in the media by the DCE in his claimed sorry state were genuine or not but who can blame him, someone who was plugged from obscurity into the state of generals, he does not only feel head swollen walking the streets of Asunafo with shoulders high but virtually disrespects everyone just because he is the man.
The circulating tweaa mantra which was recently banned in parliament took the better part of the DCE, who momentarily forgot his role as DCE as he chases the media to rule the world of infamy.

Infact the nauseating posturing of the much touted tweaa DCE doesn't come as a surprise to me alone but several other Ghanaians including the President.
This is the man who apologised consistently in the media begging for clemency.
Infact when the incidents broke out he appeared visibly shattered, intellectually incoherent as he struggled within the media to save his position as the DCE.

But it's true that the heart of of a fool indeed admires popularity than integrity, for such a man with a considerable academic background and intellect to drug himself into a muds of infamy is something beyond conceivable intelligence but who can blame him.
After succeeding at casting a slur at him own integrity and the reputation of his people, he again offers the opportunity for critics of this government to quizz what actually had informed the President's decision to appoint such a disgraceful character as DCE.
But such discussions will only present partisan merits but not intellectual considerations in the sense that when people get help to climb into the higher ups, most of them end up enslaving the very people who pushed them, a situation ringed and wedded to a typical Ghanaian demeanour.

Nevertheless this will serve as a wake up call not only to the Mahama led administration but subsequent governments to take cognizance of the situation to inform their future appointments.

The message is simple, the irresponsible conduct of Mr.Gabriel Barimah has forced the hands of President John Mahama to sack him as the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Ahafo Ano South in the Ashanti Region, Mr Gabriel Barima, whose conduct at a public gathering brought the 'Tweaa' expression into the national discourse.

A statement signed the Executive Secretary to the President; Dr Raymond Atuguba said: “The president acting on the Local Government Act section 204 has dismissed the DCE for Ahafo Ano South, Gabriel Barima with immediate effect.”
The statement added that the Ashanti Regional Minister has been directed to act until a substantive DCE is appointed.”
The booting out of the Ahafo Ano DCE by the President will help to restore some sense of dignity in our politics and in public administration because they are several other irresponsible people in system who has to be flashed out to clean the system to promote efficiency and development. The presence of such characters does not only hinder and hijack development but retires and dwindle the commitment of others ready to serve mother Ghana with their hearts.
This approach will again serve as a woke up call to all serving at different capacities in government to be intellectually active and responsible to the course of their appointments and give out their best for the greater benefit for all Ghanaians.

Article by: Ivan Kyei Innocent /0206262717 /[email protected]
God be with us. The Bible is my witness.

Source ; Ivan Kyei Innocent or Nana Kyei.