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Opinions of Saturday, 30 July 2011

Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

The True Wrinkles behind the President’s mask (Part 2)

Se akura se owo mfemfem koraa, wonntummi mmfa nhunahuna agynamoa.If the mouse thinks it has some moustache, it cannot use it to terrorize or frighten the cat. Nana Addo has become the albatross to the Nefarious Contraption. Not a day passes without one or more of their uncouth ministers, Deputy Ministers or appointees not saying or writing any trash about the Presidential aspirant of the New Patriotic Party. In spite of all these obstacles deliberately put across his path, Nana remains unruffled. He is carved in the mould of the spider’s web. When you are, caught in it, the best thing one could do is to retain your composure by keeping still. The more you struggle to get yourself extricated from the web, the more the web spins around you. The more you look, the less you see. He is an enigma to most people.

Reckless Utterances by members of the Moribund Mills Team:
1) Akua Sena Danso, then Minister for Women’s Affairs criticized Kufuor strongly for instituting the free maternal/delivery care for pregnant women. According to her, it was the institution of such a policy that had resulted in the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the country. Does this fellow qualify to be made a Minister in any part of the world except in Mills Ghana? Does the President want to tell us there is a dearth of female ministerial materials in the Nefarious Destructive Cancer? Finito!

2) Nii Nortey Duah, Deputy Minister of Sports told those NDC supporters who couldn’t get to South Africa for the World Cup to rent hotels in Accra and wait till the end of the soccer fiesta. They were then to go to their respective hometowns and villages and pretend to friends and relatives alike that they had been to South Africa. Oh, Bros, what offence have we committed to be saddled with such an incompetent and Ministers like Nii Nortey Duah?

3) The Vice President, John Mahama went to the ridiculous extent of referring to members of the opposition New Patriotic Party as “baloney”. How uncouth could the Vice President of the country be?

4) During the load shedding exercise, members of the then opposition Nefarious Destructive Cancer told the Kufuor NPP Administration in plain unmistakable terms that the Akosombo Dam should be shut down at a time when the water had not even reached the minimum level . Can you imagine what would have happened to poor “mmoborowas” like you and I? And the NDC claim they have our interests and welfare at heart!

5) The Ghanaian Lens, Number 052, of Thursday, 17th June, 2008 had this bold headline “Joe Ghartey Needs a Mental Check up – Okudzeto Ablakwa . “ Former NUGS and disgraced NUGS President and leading member of the Committee for Joint Action, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has asked that Attorney General, Joe Ghartey, as a matter of urgency, to see a psychiatrist for his head to be examined.

“Reacting to certain highly unacceptable statements that Joe Ghartey has been making in recent times and in the process, espousing the kind of logic reserved for inmates of mental homes, the former disgraced NUGS President begged of the Attorney General to quickly have his head examined.

When I read the above, one thing came to my mind and could not have escaped any person of sane mind. And what was that? - That the Deputy Minister of Minis-information has had a poor and improper upbringing. For he started insulting his elders right from the moment he learnt how to speak and nobody deemed it expedient to call him to order. In the Ghanaian culture, no person who is properly brought up insults his elders and expects to go scot free. He should remember what happened to Miriam when she and Aeron spoke evil of Moses.
On Oil Find: Read and listen to what the Nefarious Contraption said about the discovery of Oil by the Kufuor Administration: The Ghanaian Lens of June 22 – 25, 2007 had as headline: “Minority Commends Oil Find, but says its 37 years old”.
The Minority NDC on Tuesday commended the efforts made towards the discovery of oil at Cape Three Points in the Western Region but said this was not new. Mr. Lee Ocran, NDC member for Jomoro said a similar report was made 37 years ago to the day that Ghana had struck oil, arguing that it turned out that we had not made anything worth jubilating about. Mr. Ocran said it was significant, but at the same time strange why Government chose to make the announcement on June 18, 2007. He then produced a Daily Graphic chipping of June 18, 1970 which read: Oil and gas in potentially significant quantity, have been discovered in Ghana – the first oil found to have been hit since prospecting began several years ago.
In similar fashion, the Energy Minister brought a bottle of crude oil to show to Parliament, Mr. Ocran said Mr. R.R.Amponsah, the then Minister of Lands and Natural Resources showed tested samples of the oil to Parliamentary Correspondents amidst jubilation.
The same Palaver, in its editorial wrote: “But is the news the type doctored to calm political tempers generated by the energy crisis or it is a genuine piece of information without any political twist? This is because the predecessors of this same NPP government, the Progress Party in which the current President, J.A.Kufuor was a junior Minister played a fast one on Ghanaians with the same story of the oil find 37 years ago on June 18, 1970. We will not throw our hats up now for joy, but will wait if this find is not going to be the same as what happened 37 years ago.
Reign of Impunity by Security Agencies and the NDC Foot soldiers: Under Mills, the President sent soldiers from the 4th Garrison in Kumasi to beat up policemen at Suame Roundabout. The soldiers went to the Police Station at Suame and vandalized equipment. Three of the Policemen were beaten to a state of unconsciousness. A female police officer on duty had to be rushed to the hospital.
1) Policemen were ordered to beat up and tear gas poorly remunerated and under-nourished teachers whose only crime was to alert the nation about their plight. They were beaten to pulp on the instruction of the President.
2) Poor fisher folks from the President’s own “adze wo fie a oye”, together with their colleagues from Greater Accra were on a peaceful demonstration to present a petition to the Presidency at the Castle. The President, in a manner characteristic of Anita de Souza’s callous and unGhanaian order to his driver to drive through a group of “human cargo” at Abomoso also ordered the NDC Police to deal with the protestors for taking his (the President) leniency to be his weakness. You remember his order to deal with Nana Akufo-Addo for drawing his (presidents) attention to a potentially volatile situation. The President placed the Ghana Armed Forces on full alert which has not been lifted. Their crime? To tell the President about the unpatriotic atrocities being committed in his name by his appointees in the distribution of Pre Mix fuel to them.
3) A pregnant woman was arrested and detained at the BNI Cells until she collapsed and died. Till date, no action has been taken to bring the perpetrators to book.
4) Four known members of the NPP were cut down at the prime of their lives right in front of the Police Station at Agbogbloshie. The names of the killers have been given to the Police, but till date, no arrest has been effected because the murderers belong to the NDC stock. Definitely, their sins shall find them out.
5) At Akwatia, during the Run-Off Election in six polling stations, a known jail-bird and sympathizer of the NDC, Yaw Dankwah, who is also the Founder of the Church of Satan, was seen firing a pistol in broad day light. Till date, he has not been apprehended and that is the end of the matter. In a similar manner, a member of the National Security was seen openly firing a pistol which injured some NPP members. The presence of Dr Frimpong Boateng saved the situation when he performed an emergency surgical operation on the affected persons. Nothing has been heard about it.
6) Anita de Souza exhibited her innate taste for human blood and outright disregard for human life when she instructed her driver to callously drive through a group for human beings at Abomoso whose only crime was to ensure the sanctity of the ballot boxes. Initially, she attempted to put the incident on another vehicle, but when the evidence proved her culpable, she adopted a defiance stance and dared anybody who had guts to confront her. The Attorney General, who I believe is a Christian, against all Christian ethics has given this vampire of Anita who wanted to cause genocide on the people of Abomoso a clean bill health. But let me state here that he can use the power of incumbency to exonerate here, but we, the people of Abomoso believe in our just course. We shall pray to God to heap fire and brimstone on those who wanted to commit genocide against the people of Abomoso.
7) In all these things, the President who is eulogized as a peacemaker and next to God has remained silent. His own presidency is just to give orders. When the Police turned down AFAG application to go on demonstration, the President ordered the IGP to allow the demonstration to go on. When Inusa Fuseini, Deputy Minister of Energy lost his wife, the President ordered a probe into the circumstances leading to her death at the hospital. When allegations of 90billion Cedis were made against his Campaign office, he instructed the BNI to investigate. When John Kumah was arrested for making some unpalatable comments about him in response to similar comments made by NDC Monster, Peter Otukonor against the NPP Presidential Aspirant, the President ordered that he be released. it is the norm that the person who pays the piper that dictates the tune. So if the President can command the IGP to release a suspect, by inference, it is he who gives the order for the arrest of a suspect.
Acts of Recklessness by Party Foot Soldiers: These are so many that they cannot be tabulated here. But for the sake of my readers, I will catalogue a few. A Regional Minister was booted out of office by action of party men and women. The Yendi MCE was declared persona non grata by party foot soldiers. NDC Party Headquarters was captured in commando style by party foot soldiers Adomi Bridge was seized by party foot soldiers. Tender documents were destroyed by party foot soldiers. Lorry Station and public toilets were seized and run by those unruly NDC Mob without recourse to the law. The NHIS was not spared either. But Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori-Panin 11 exhibited his st6erling leadership qualities, when he ordered the arrest of , Shakespeare, an NDC activist, who had threatened to burn down the offices of the NHIS at if the position of District Co-coordinator was not given to an indigene of the town.
What Richard Quashiga said about Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. The Catalyst of Monday, 21st – Sunday, 27th January, 2008 had Richard Quashiga say some pleasant things about Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party. Now hear him: It absolutely was remarkably refreshing the mature manner in which the aspirants pierced together their differences as they pledged to support Nana.
Nana Akufo-Addo, a thorough-bred Danquah-Busia horse, well deserves his victory. He undoubtedly waged a good fight and the discerning delegates rewarded his loyalty and commitment to the “Property Owning” Philosophy of their tradition. Admittedly he was the finest of the pack and rightly so. Unquestionably Nana has fine political credentials. He characteristically bubbles with political stamina and astute maturity.
Conclusion: As Election 2012 gets nearer, the Nefarious Destructive Cancer is becoming more and jitterier of its chances. The best option therefore is to unleash all its attack dogs on Nana Akufo-Addo, flag-bearer of the NPP. But I assure them they will fail in this regard. They smell Nana in everything they do including their failures and mistakes. But our flag-bearer remains unruffled. He will weather the storm. He will cross dangerous paths and crevices. He will encounter dangers on the way, but knowing the stuff of which Nana is made of, he will surely surmount all the thorns and labyrinths deliberately put on his paths. He represents the iron of the will of Ghanaians. Nana All the way.

Daniel Danquah Damptey ([email protected]) 0243715297