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Opinions of Sunday, 22 September 2013

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

The United Cadres Front

The United Cadres Front, How United Are We As Cadres Are Hired To Destroy Top Party Gurus? Part 2

The Party we suffered to organize since 1992 to have a firm foundation on the ground all over the country cannot be allowed to be DESTROYED BY FEW SELF SEEKING POLITICIANS WHO PUT THEIR STOMACHS FIRST BEFORE THE PARTY.
As I speak, a group of cadres have ganged up in support of one of the leading members of the NDC, but instead of projecting or marketing him, they have resorted to the publication of outright lies, vilifications and character assassination against comrade Kofi Portuply National Vice Chairman of the NDC and the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO). The Cadre leading the group to destroy the hard won reputation of Comrade Kofi Portuply was a well paid employee at the NADMO head quarters in Accra. He was once a Regional Secretary of the NDC who used his position to demand (GH¢3000) from ASPIRING MMDCES in 2009 but was ordered to refund such monies – which he did against his will.
He again became the Regional Co-ordinator of NADMO but was quickly REMOVED because of extreme corruption. He was then posted to the NADMO Headquarters where he continued working until he was HIRED by a TOP PARTY GURU and tasked to DESTROY COMRADE KOFI PORTUPLY the NADMO BOSS. He attended Board meetings of the UNHRC and collected allowances without authority since noboby asked him to go and deputise for the NADMO boss. He stole 60NYEP forms from the office of the NADMO boss and sold these forms to NPP members at GH¢500.00 each and pocketed the cash. He was reported to the police and he was arrested and made to refund the ILLEGAL CASH. He was left off the hook even though it was a criminal offence
Yet again, he was the Regional boss of the NCCE but had to be removed quickly ELSE he would have sold off ALL THE ASSETS OF THE REGIONAL OFFICE including the BUILDING. Infact, he is a man who likes to live like a Kuwaiti Oil Baron, and does not care a hoot in destroying hard working patriots once he is paid for it, and such a man can never, and must never be described as a cadre at all.
Infact, some people think that once we are in a constitutional rule, ANYTHING THAT WAS RELATED WITH THE PREVIOUS PNDC REGIME MUST BE DEAD. This is false, we must rather build upon the basis that the erstwhile PNDC established since the NDC is a party born out of a revolution, and the 1992 Constitution is of cosmetic importance.
This cadre and his group who are hell bent on destroying the hard won reputation of Comrade Kofi Portuply went round some institutions where NADMO procured certain goods to enquire whether the goods and services had been paid by NADMO or not, he became the INVESTIGATOR, the PROSECUTOR and the JUDGE who had arraigned Comrade Kofi Portuply before him in the dock in order to give the NADMO boss a bad name and hang him. I have credible evidence to the fact that this cadre was the brain behind that false publication in the “Ghanaian Chronicle” front page article entitled “CRACKS IN THE NDC”-which was published recently.
When management of NADMO convened a meeting at the NADMO headquarters and asked that cadre to substantiate his false allegations against the NADMO BOSS and (2) the one who authorized him to go to the board meetings of the UNHCR (3) who authorized him to go and make enquires whether goods and services procured by NADMO were paid or not – He could not utter a single word and after 15 good minutes, the meeting then came to an end. He was then transferred to Takoradi in the Western Region, but he flatly refused to go and after vacating his post, he has been dismissed out right. According to this selfish cadre, whenever he visits the residence of the BIG MAN who sponsored or hired him to destroy Comrade Portuply the man always give him GH¢100.00 daily. As I speak, a brand new 4x4 Land Cruiser has been given to him with FREE FUEL AND CASH to enable him go round the country to destroy the NADMO BOSS just because he will be contesting the National Chairmanship position of the NDC when the party goes to Congress.
In the NDC, we teach people how to fish and not giving them fish daily. Those cadres who have been hired to destroy Comrade Kofi Portuply must stop in their own interests or have themselves to blame for I will MENTION THE NAME OF THAT CADRE AS WELL AS HIS SPONSOR IF THEY FAIL TO STOP VILIFYING THE NADMO BOSS. I have ENVIABLE RECORDS of Comrades, Kofi Portuply, Yaw Boateng Gyan, Ofosu Ampifo, Kwabena Agyei and Ofosu Ampofo. So anybody who attempts to vilify these gentlemen will not find it easy.
After the 2012 general elections, the NPP was dissatisfied with the results and they put the WHOLE NATION ON TRIAL for 8 good months, but they finally had their time wasting petition thrown out by the Supreme Court of Ghana.
Several development projects were delayed as a result of the Supreme Court hearing of the NPP Petition. Once the verdict was delivered in favour of the ruling government of the NDC, Cadres should rather use that opportunity to close their ranks and let the People know and understand the Better Ghana Agenda and what it means. We must end the functionalism in the NDC. All those who are eyeing various positions in the upcoming Constituency, Regional and National Elections must be very circumspect in their campaign DEVOID OF PERSONALITY ATTACKS and INSINUATIONS SO AS TO MAINTAIN PARTY UNITY. The interest of the NDC is MUCH BIGGER THAN ANY OTHER MEMBER OF THE PARTY. ALL TRUE CADRES of the UCF must avoid being used by some Party gurus eyeing the various positions in the upcoming Congress.
On the other hand, those Cadres who accept to be used must be careful NOT TO VILIFY hard working party gurus of the NDC as this particular HIRED CADRE is currently doing. Take it from me, I will burry them deep and crush them in a manner determined by the undying spirit of June 4 and the 31st December Revolution even if they have mobilized ONE THOUSANDS LIARS to destroy the NADMO BOSS.
We must counter the appalling insults and lies being hurled at the President by the disgruntled vengeful losers of the 2012 elections.
Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings did not train cadres with MONEY – he never trained cadres to vilify innocent hard working Ghanaians. He rather trained cadres to expose wrong doers in the Ghanaian society and that in so doing, those cadres must themselves be clean before reporting others.
Therefore those cadres who have been hired to vilify and destroy the NADMO BOSS and other aspirants within the NDC in order to achieve this selfish ends must be prepared to meet their Waterloo very soon.
Those cadres who also know how to hide behind some journalists must rather come out boldly to face the TRUTH by showing their faces than hiding cowardly behind some journalists- but I dare that group to come again with their baseless attacks on the integrity of the NADMO BOSS once again or shut up completely. Cadres and NDC supporters must not turn the gun against themselves but must unite to fight the Common Enemy of Ghana and that is the violent prone NPP. Is that clear?
Truth is an indispensable quality of life and this was what Jerry Rawlings trained cadres with. Those ROTTEN CADRES and ROTTEN PLANKS in the United Cadres Front would be exposed and flushed out nationwide if they don’t stop their negative and unproductive attitudes within the cadre corps and the NDC Party in general. As for that Cadre and his group who are riding in their brand new 4x4 land cruiser across the country on a destruction spree, they are rather wasting their fuel for nothing because their manufactured lies will fall flat completely as I will lead a Progressive Group to dismantle it in no time. Is any body listening? You keep your fingers crossed, I shall return with the final part of this Masterpiece. I am done. “Jaanbie Iwaii – Aluta Continua”

Clement Sangaparee
United Cadres Front

All Media Houses

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