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Opinions of Monday, 30 November 2020

Columnist: Dr. Dzidefo Klu

The Volta political dynasty shall be broken at last

John Peter Amewu is contesting to be the Member of Parliament for Hohoe Constituency John Peter Amewu is contesting to be the Member of Parliament for Hohoe Constituency

The Volta Region has become a laughing stock among the other regions in Ghana due to the constant neglect the region has suffered from the NDC despite being portrayed as the ‘world bank’ of the party.

If Volta can just keep boasting of herself as a ‘world bank’ while others milk her off without getting her fair share of development, what does that leave us? We see a sports stadium built in a ‘swing region’ to appeal for their votes, but because our region is the ‘voters region’ and NDC votes are always secured, we get the crumbs that fall from the tables of the swing regions during the distribution of the national cake under the NDC governments.

I have noticed that the world over, political parties and governments pay peculiar attention to swing regions mostly in order to win elections. In my opinion, we the people of the Volta Region must become a swing region so all the political parties can take special notice of us, research into what they can do for us to woo us to their side and work assiduously to fulfilling their promises before the next election comes around. That is the only way we can become relevant and develop from this quagmire of hopelessness and despondency we find ourselves in.

It is with this notion that I take a glance at how we can navigate this political strategy to stir competition and break the monopoly the NDC has enjoyed in our region over the years; which only resulted in the underdevelopment of the Region.

Turning our political lenses to the Hohoe constituency, there stands a young dynamic gentleman, John Peter Amewu, who is already bringing unprecedented development to the people of Hohoe, even though he has been rejected unfairly twice, just by the colour of his political party; without considering the content of his character or capabilities.

With over 28 years of representation of the good people of Hohoe constituency by the NDC in Parliament, the achievements of the NDC cannot be compared to the galloping, gargantuan and gigantic developmental projects that were executed by Hon. John Peter Amewu in less than four years of serving as a minister under the Nana Addo led NPP administration. For once, this warm gesture must be rewarded with massive votes for a J.P Amewu representation in Parliament, at the very least.

People in Volta Region generally have been made to think that their Parliamentary seats are meant only for NDC aspirants and so whether the candidate is good or not, they should allow the person to go to Parliament.

That is how the NDC tuned the mindset of the people. But this shackles and manacles of backwardness or standing still must be broken this year, because the better candidate must win this time round.

Below are some of the monumental achievements chalked during the record time of 4 years of John Peter Amewu as a minister in NPP government against 28 years of abysmal performance of the NDC in the Hohoe constituency:

1. Talk of electrification projects, we have seen electricity and street lights already extended and being extended to every nook and cranny in and around Hohoe and for that matter the entire Constituency; in fact, on an unprecedented massive scale.

2. Many road projects have been initiated including Hohoe town roads, Hohoe to Fodome road, the construction of Wli-Todzi road up the mountains among several others.

3. There has been drilling of boreholes in many suburbs and communities in the Constituency to provide potable water to hundreds if not thousands of people in the community.

4. It is mind boggling the first ever mini-hydro power plant in Ghana on the Tsatsadu river at Alavanyo-Abenyenase which currently supplies constant power to that community has been built, the next such mini-hydro plant will be built on our own River Dayi in due course to supply constant power to the entire Hohoe constituency.

5. A monumental project like the Hohoe Sports Stadium and the reconstruction of the Hohoe Central Market into a new and a modern market are underway.

6. Residents of Wli Todzi, Gbledi Chebi, Gbledi Gborgame and parts of Fodome will benefit from the installation of telecos after years of struggling to make phone calls to bridge the digital divide between them and the rest of the Hohoe Municipality.

7. There is a modern and state-of-the art Police Station at Alavanyo Kpeme to the community sited strategically to provide security and partly address the age-old Alavanyo-Nkonya conflict.

8. There has been facilitation of the award of various scholarships and sponsorships for students and several travel opportunities for many within the constituency and arrangement for Mock exams and science practical training program for over 2000 2019-BECE candidates all over Hohoe constituency.

I have a dream that if development is what the people of Hohoe need, then all the developmental projects embarked upon by Jonny will translate into VOTES.

For a proper representation that rewards result and not a litany or epistle of efforts, then there is no gain saying that John Peter Amewu leads the way to Parliament for the Hohoe Constituency.

Needless to add that while in Parliament, he needs appointment as a minister of state to speedily continue the developmental projects