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Opinions of Sunday, 10 August 2014

Columnist: Arthur, Beckham Godfred

The age of discovery

”It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out” (Proverbs 25:2) ESV

I know a kenkey seller in Aboabo-Kumasi, Ghana. She has been in the kenkey business for close to three decades with no report from her consumers of bad kenkey ever served them by her all these years of practice. Her kenkey is given a high preference by a vast majority of the inhabitants despite the numerous competitors she has in that vicinity. “Kwaku Maame” as she is affectionately called, has a long standing secret she operates by that has given her a trusted image before her consumers over all her competitors. I once inquired from one of her consumers only to be told that, they trust her for one thing - she never serves them with “yesterday’s kenkey”. The technique according to “Kwaku Maame” is simple. She mashes any “yesterday’s kenkey” and mixes it with the hot dough as she prepares. She then kneads the ready dough all anew to obtain her fresh kenkey for further processing and sales. She discovered this secret three years after she got into the kenkey business and that has given her that competitive advantage.

Like every game has its rules, real life has its own rules, principles and rudiments. Many people today forget that there are truth underpinning any operation we undertake and “ignorance is no excuse”-Peter Irene. Unfortunately, most people in small businesses today do not take their time to discover all truth that will guarantee the success of whatever they are doing. Sometimes, people like to only rely on information from others to operate their business without wanting to experience, make mistakes, learn and change things for themselves.

In this age of discovery, many philosophers advocated that, “It is the duty of all thinkers to investigate knowledge for themselves rather than merely accepting the authority of others.” Thinker is any individual on this earth. Therefore anyone who has thought his/herself in business is a thinker. A truth is truth and cannot be discounted in anyway. Like Ling Nicholas once commented, “Ignorance in a voluntary misfortune.” In this age of sophistication, some people still hold on to certain old fashioned information and still languish at the foot of the business ladder. I pray you discover to be recovered.

Business survive today at the speed of thoughts. Thoughts that are birthed by informed decision. These are thoughts that have been discovered. Kwaku Maame discovered from her own ingenuity, careful observation, ponderous attitude and brooding over Proverbs 25:2, which says that whoever discovers the ways or secrets keys to successful life secures his/her glorious place with the Lord almighty.

Discovery leads to recovery. I cannot mark down the fact that, Christ is the answer. We are advised in the good book to keep Him first place in our lives and all other things shall be added onto us. I encourage that, you discover the secrets to thrive in this world which is Christ. For a life without Christ is always blight and its true success is out of coverage!



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