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Opinions of Friday, 15 April 2016

Columnist: Kwame Gyasi

The bloated voters’ register & the national identification card (2)

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“When the mind is freely exerted, its reasoning is sound; but passion, if it gains possession of it, becomes its tyrant, and reason is powerless”

— Julius Caesar

“Yesterday a monarch he,

Today, subject of the flees;

Why such boastings, oh man!”

— Anon

One of the key tenants of multi-party democracy is free and fair election conducted on periodic basis. The foundation for free and fair election is a clean voters’ register which has been subjected to validation.

It is a common sense argument. Unfortunately common sense is conditioned by the environment a person is born into and natured in as well as the unbridled ambition and unfulfilled capacity of the individual to become a stomach contractor.

Thus from all the arguments put forth, the overwhelming need for the compilation of a new and fresh voters’ register has never been in doubt.

But the NDC, a party formed by criminals with an axe to grind and who currently have looted and converted almost all state property to themselves, including prime Ga lands within Accra without a whimper from the custodians of the Ga lands to support their glutinous filth, obscene lifestyle; objected vehemently to the compilation of a new and fresh voters register not based on reasoned argument but on passion and deceit.

Observers are called to note in contrast, the uncontrolled anger and the vicious act the Ga youth, led by some uncouth Ga politicians vexed and brought on the current Chief Justice and the late Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey – all Gas – to the cleaners for acquiring Ga lands.

The terrorists and mercenaries constituting the NDC who have completely destroyed the rule of law in this country and are well aware that the good people of this country will certainly wage a jihad against them at the right time; the old evil dwarfs and babies with sharp teeth of the NDC tradition who are well aware that the next legitimate government which will be elected during this year’s election to bring a refreshing change will build a new maximum security prison on the Afram plains to house them for the criminal atrocities they have committed against the good people of this country, are doing everything illegitimate to scuttle the path of democracy to remain in power come 2017.

The NDC knows it is time out for them. The evil minds of the party strategists who have the gift of the mind of Socrates but wired for evil strategy formulation and implementation have come to the conclusion that the game is in the injury period of the second half of extra time with the scores against them.

They saw this long ago. So one scheme which they adopted was to get a professionally incompetent and immature Poison Ivy Small Girl whose nationality and age are subjects of intense debate and whose mind they could manipulate easily to be in charge of the electoral process after the retirement of the spineless incoherent equally incompetent occupier of the position, had retired.

Fortunately, the NDC by accident of history already could count on the loyalty of some unpatriotic vultures already in the system to lend a hand to the new appointee. Incidentally, the first principal action the new appointee did was to kowtow the line of the NDC to rubbish the compilation of a new voter’s’ register.

When the agitation for a new voters’ register became unbearable for her, for once she got imbued with the gift of Socrates but in evil reverse manner just like her mentors to come out with a panel of so-called five wise men to receive views to chart a path for a way forward.

The idiotic nature, the charade of the action and the political chicanery associated with that singular act was not lost on the good people of this country and became evident when despicable persons and associations some log dead resurrected, as it were, from the grave to give testimony while respectable persons and associations were shut out.

Every intelligent soul in this country knew it was a ploy by the NDC to get the so-called five wise men to legitimise the position of their untenable stand of opposing the compilation of a new voters’ register.

Why those so-called five wise men agreed to allow themselves to be used as guinea pigs and eventual earn the palpable opprobrium of a large section of the public might require a research work by a postgraduate student in political science.

While that research might be on going, I can only hazard a guess. One key strategy the PNDC/NDC under its Godfather has used throughout its history, is the use of the stick and the carrot.

The PNDC/NDC under its Godfather resorted to plain blackmail, intimidation and if that failed, they attack the vulnerable soft spot of the target under siege or buy the person outright.

Let us look at the report the Electoral Commission put out in public domain. All the reasoned argument by the so-called five wise men appeared to be leading to one conclusion: the compilation of a new and fresh voters’ register, QED. At that point, passion seemed to have taken over.

The so-called five wise men adopted a conclusion which to me was an unacceptable compromise: a validation of the old bloated voters’ register. Was the cup half full or half empty?

The Ghanaian in his or her usual docile manner appeared to have accepted that half-hearted solution and waited for the Electoral Commission to start the process of validation of the bloated register.

Then out of the blue and perhaps to the chagrin and discomfort of the so-called five wise men, the Electoral Commission decided not to carry out the validation exercise recommended by them but rather opt for the very often rejected stand of the NDC; the cleaning of the bloated voters register through physical examination.

This decision was taken in spite of the Supreme Court decision on the case brought before it by Abu Ramadan and Evans Nimako to compel the Electoral Commission to undertake a validation exercise, another clear blow to the authority of the Courts and rule of law in this country.

Quite clearly, the so-called five wise men must have been played for a sucker by that Poison Ivy Small Girl. They might have been left wondering what must have gone wrong.

One additional lesson some of them must have learnt by now is that, if you want to dine with the devil, you must arm yourself with a very long spoon.

This country is presently in the hands of a band of terrorists and mercenaries, a complete assemble of a cabal of greedy bastards armed to the teeth with modern tools of corruption to loot and share the nation’s resources.

Despite all his noble achievement, I consider Kutu Acheampong the greatest enemy this country has ever produced because he created the greatest colossal disaster this country has known; Jerry John Rawlings.

It is because of Jerry John Rawlings that after almost 60 years of independence and numerous elections held, this country cannot define who is a Ghanaian and isolate the Ghanaian for the purpose of compiling a clean voters’ register.

It is because of Jerry John Rawlings that in the midst of massive intellectual store the nation possesses, educated illiterates and mediocrity have taken the centre stage of the management of the affairs of this country.

It is because of Jerry John Rawlings that the citizens shall tolerate this incompetent immature Poison Ivy Small Girl to be in charge of the most strategic state institution the country shall ever possess without any attempt to oust her as she constitutes the greatest terrorist threat to the country today. Prof.

James Watson, I shall always remember you, because I can never ever dream of a time in this country when the mind shall be freely exerted, and sound reasoning is made; and when passion, shall never gain possession of the mind so that passion becomes its tyrant, and reason does not become powerless.