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Opinions of Sunday, 24 July 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

The causes of poverty in Africa's mineral-rich continent

File photo : Slavery in America File photo : Slavery in America

Africa is the world's poorest continent, particularly in the area south of the Sahara. 11 African nations were among the 15 poorest nations as of the end of 1993.

Population growth on the African continent makes poverty there worse. Many people believe that Africa is unfavorable for financial investments because of the continent's instability. Africans are still poor and heavily reliant on agriculture despite the continent's abundant resources.

The problem has its roots in the distant past when Europeans who thought themselves to be superior and more civilized needed people with different skin colors to work for them. Although there are many contemporary reasons for this, such as corruption, which has hampered development in Africa, the problem has its roots there as well.

Slave markets and the sale of African slaves started in the middle of the XV century. They were employed as domestic helpers, and a sizable portion worked in fields of agriculture.

Slaves from Africa were imported into America when Europeans exterminated the native people of the New World. From the 1680s to the 1780s, only a hundred years, over a million people were transported from Angola to the Spanish colonies in the West Indies.

Strange slave routes emerged during the slave trade. Merchants transported dinnerware, glass ornaments, cold weapons, alcoholic beverages, copper, and iron products from Europe to Africa.

These inexpensive items were traded for the lives of African slaves, who were then sent to the American colonies, at that location. Black slaves were then traded for colonial products in the New World that were highly prized in Europe, such as cotton, sugar, tobacco, etc.

European traders, particularly English traders, made enormous profits as a result. The slave trade is responsible for the prosperity of numerous towns, including Manchester, London, Liverpool, Bristol, Nantes, and Rouen in France, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and many others.

The governments of the European countries didn't start a strong campaign against the slave trade until after they divided all of Africa among themselves. Black people were treated worse than animals by the colonialists who did not value them as human beings.

In order to maximize their profits, the traders of "living things" avoided investing money in the slaves because they were extremely inexpensive in Africa and their inflow into the marketplaces of the New World resulted in their relatively low prices.

They were transported in shackles aboard a small ship, and the only way they could stay alive was to sit. Slaves frequently perished along the route because swimming across the Atlantic from the coast of Africa takes weeks.

Some scientists claim that for every black African taken to the American colonies, 8 individuals died in the course of the journey or during the transition to the coast and that over 100 million Africans were slaughtered as a result of the slave trade.

The African continent's development was hampered by the slave trade, which also inhibited the emergence of independent African states and hampered agricultural advancement.

The majority of Africans still live in extreme poverty, according to historians, and one cause of this is the slave trade.

Unexpectedly, there is still slavery in Africa. Since slavery and colonization are no longer feasible, bizarre diseases from "heaven" that were made by humans rather than God are now being aimed at Africa.