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Opinions of Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Columnist: Zuberu Aliu

The cry of a sheanut tree

File photo of raw sheanuts File photo of raw sheanuts

Humans coexist with other organisms in the ecosystem. Our primary concern is the well-being of the human species. But what about things and non-human species that outlive us? This is a story of the life of a shear nut tree and how much more careless humans have become in the last century.

We became so reckless and rapid that we became accustomed to ignoring seemingly minor environmental problems. This article provides a narrative viewpoint on what has changed in the life of a shear tree and the ramifications for human life.

This year's harmattan will mark my 199th birthday. The fresh branches and green leaves on my body indicate that I am growing tall. They are also indicators of my age. I've noticed my growth throughout the last 70 years. Things were quite difficult for me throughout these years. However, as I ponder on my life as a shear tree, I realize that life was easier and better for me before the age of 90.
I had several friends with whom I interacted. My companions were the green grass, plants, crickets, and all the birds. Birds and other species came from far and wide to bask in my natural shade. My flavor was well received by the bees. Things have changed, but I'm not sure what the changes are.

The tractor appeared, as though fate was not on my side. It was at this point that things began to spiral out of control. Although things have altered dramatically, it was still pleasant when everything began.

I continued to grow because I was still powerful. But everything happened so quickly.

Every year, while the tractor continued to harm my buried roots and the fire burnt my entire body, I saw the entrance of chemicals I dubbed "condemn." At this point in my development, my efforts were not solely focused on self-protection. I needed to figure out how to keep my other friends.

All of the organisms that provided me with sustenance were annihilated by the 'condemn.' These poisons attacked the beautiful grasses and other vegetation that supported me. It wasn't long before I noticed that all of my friends had vanished.

Man claimed not to notice the fight against me all these years. Food, shade, medicine, and the money I gave him all became scarce. Because of its numerous benefits, the nut I supplied to man has become extremely expensive on the global market. I wish I could supply more today.

However, I have reached the age of maturity, and man's activities have weakened my ability to multiply and supply more nuts

My only sorrow is for the women who profit from me today, as well as the next generation who will live with me for the next century. This generation will not know the atrocities committed by their forefathers against me.

My natural butter, fruits, and income will not be enjoyed by future generations. My plea is for man to put an end to the bushfires and to limit the misuse of "condemn" on myself and my surroundings.