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Opinions of Thursday, 18 March 2021

Columnist: Dawda Eric

The current give and take at the Audit Service started in 2009

File photo : Ghana Audit Service logo File photo : Ghana Audit Service logo

We are told that historical antecedent is something that gives us account of the past and a sober reflection of same helps in building the future going forward as a people with one common destiny.

The current fireworks at the Audit Service didn't start today. It can be traced to the unfortunate incident which happened on Jan 9th 2009, when late Professor Mills took over.

In fact, I do recall that in 2009 when Professor Mills of blessed memory took over, there were calls on him by NDC foot soldiers at the time to sack most respected former Chief Justice, Georgina Wood who was appointed by former President Kufuor. That pressure persisted for almost a full year with no success because Prof Mills knew he had no power to do that.

It must be noted that, when the calls on him from the party's support base became unbearable and in an attempt to please the boiling base, he pulled a trigger on the Governor of Bank of Ghana who was appointed by former President Kuffour. His first shot was on Dr Paul Acquah in clear breach of the law.

As if that wasn't enough, Dr. Bawumia took his accumulated leave from the bank on 13 January 2009 after he was subtly asked to vacate his post or face a sack by the new National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration led by President Atta Mills.

Angered by the blatant disregard of the law, Dr Paul Acquah went to the Supreme Court to challenge his dismissal by the NDC government. The Supreme Court of Ghana handed a favourable judgement for him. Though he won the case, he never returned to the BOG.

The Auditor-General at the time, Professor Edward Dua Agyeman was also asked to vacate his position on grounds that, he had reached 60 years. That decision was what actually motivated PC Ofori to go to the Supreme Court to seek interpretation as to whether or not, by the combined effect of Articles 70,71,144,145,146,187 and 287, the retiring age of the Auditor General is comparable and in part material to that of Justices of the Court of Appeal.

It is instructive to note further that, apart from the 1969 Constitution specifically article 135(13) which placed the retiring age of the AuDG at 60years, no Ghanaian Constitution has ever provided the retiring age of the Auditor General. Yet the NDC went ahead to hound Professor Edward Dua Agyeman on grounds of age.

It shocks me to the core that, today, the very people who decided to open the flood gate in 2009 are those crying that same is being meted out to Mr Daniel Yaw Domelevo. What is so annoying is that according to them, Mr Domelevo is being lynched publicly by this government because of his fight against corruption.

When Professor Dua Agyeman was thrown out, they justified the said decision. They said Professor Mils had to do that because the man had reached 60years. Their logic is that, when it is Mr Daniel Yao Domelevo, he is being hounded but when it was Professor Dua Agyeman, Professor Mills was only applying Article 190 of the constitution of Ghana. This kind of warped logic can only be found in NDC.

What is good for the goose is equally good for the gander.