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Opinions of Friday, 8 October 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

The double rejection of Kumawu Sekyere District DCE serves him right

DCE nominee for Sekyere Kumawu District, Samuel Addai Agyekum DCE nominee for Sekyere Kumawu District, Samuel Addai Agyekum

The assemblymen and women of Kumawu Sekyere District have for two consecutive times within days voted to reject the nominee, but incumbent District Chief Executive (DCE) for the district, Samuel Addai Agyekum (Hon?), the DCE for the district since 2017, has been renominated by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to continue with his job as the DCE.

However, the president’s nominees for such position throughout the country must be approved by their respective assemblymen and women through the casting of popular vote. It is by the exercise of this constitutional right of voting that the assemblymen and women in the Kumawu Sekyere District have twice rejected the president’s nominee for the DCE post.

The rejection of him should not be interpreted as the assemblymen and women’s insubordination to the president. No, it has nothing to do with disrespecting the president but more to do with the district crying for a more dedicated, dynamic, selfless and responsible person who is ready to carry out developmental projects in the district but not a sycophant always rushing to radio stations singing the praises of the president where none is called for.

Again, the district does not need a person who is always ready to go on air to lie to the nation about the district having realised this or that project through the NPP government of President Nana Akufo-Addo, whereas in reality, no such projects do exist in the district.

He is noted for disrespecting the Member of Parliament for the Kumawu Constituency, Philip Basoah (Hon), and often at loggerheads with him and undermining him, all for stupid or malicious reasons only best known to him.

He is in fact a total misfit in that post. He has by his irresponsibleness contributed immensely towards the district’s deprivation of economic development hence serving him right if the assemblymen and women have resolutely determined to get rid of him.

The vote of the assemblymen and women in this instance is the vote of the citizens of the district. Their voice is the voice of the people. Therefore, the president should please nominate another person that the citizens of the district and by extension the members of the NPP in the district do like and can work with him/her to advance the developmental course of the district but not a chirping sycophant in pursuit of his selfish motives.

I had on several occasions written about him, advising and warning him to be careful of his actions and inactions that were potential to cost the district dearly.

I had him as one of my WhatsApp contacts and always forwarded such publications to him. However, he would not budge but kept indulging in his myopic and disastrous activities.

If he had seen sense in my publications about him and acted differently, he will not be facing these rejections today. But as the fly that has no one to advise it follows the corpse into the grave, so is obstinacy causing Samuel Addai Mensah to face this shameful fate of rejection today.

The assemblymen and women should please stick to their guns without reversing. They should not give him the benefit of “third time lucky” but rather show him the exit to serve as a lesson and warning to any future DCE. This will compel any future DCE to work amicably with the people and also, try their hardest to secure the district a share of the national cake.

Kumawu Sekyere District and Kumawu Constituency deserve better.

To conclude, the president should please nominate another person who may be acceptable to both the assembly members and the citizens of the district. I hope the president and his advisers will not insist on having Samuel Addai Mensah as the DCE should he suffer a third defeat which he must, judging from his irrelevancy to the district on the grounds of his disastrous failure to acquire the district anything worth writing home about.

Finally, I appeal to the president to not feel offended by the responsible line of action taken by the assemblymen and women to ensure that the district gets a person of integrity to head it to actually bring development to the people and the district.