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Opinions of Saturday, 11 April 2020

Columnist: Yentik Gariba

The drama surrounding the Novel Coronavirus

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The case of Europe, including America, who symbolise military and economic powers have become so subservient to novel coronavirus, within a spate of weeks, not months, with America leading with over 400,000 cases of infections; the highest in the world.

Consequently, Great Britain has had its Prime Minister fallen victim to the monster virus virtually because they least expected it will come within the domain of Great Britain.

Europe, the dream of every man, has suddenly been shunned and deserted like a desert. The center of knowledge and everything including America, with all the military and economic might, is now dreaded places in the world!

Is this not dramatic, to say the least? Whoever dreamt that this could ever happen to the great nations of the world such that Africans would have the innate desire to move back to Africa?

Did Africans abroad ever know they would one day come back and be dreaded or rejected by their families or states? Never! This is what makes it a drama! It appears fictional more than reality! But it is more real than fiction.

This, to me, should be a great source of wisdom, and indeed, lessons to all of us. That a whole British Prime Minister could fall, victim of the monster coronavirus is dramatic to the world. It is drama in a sense that those that are least expected to fall foul or victim to the pandemic have actually fallen to it. And those that are most expected to be victims have escaped it.

It is dramatic in that what has happened should be a great warning, and indeed, lesson, to those of us especially in Africa, to take stringent and more precautionary measures to curtail it before we realise that the very people who we most anticipate will fall victim to it might be that lucky to escape it.

Coronavirus is full of drama, we must learn from what is happening in Europe. Whoever you are, wherever you are, help in what small you can to stop the spread.

Don't say I am immune or far from it.

We are all at risk!

Thank you!

And God save us all!