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Opinions of Sunday, 18 September 2022

Columnist: Antwi Joseph

The falling standards of WASSCE: The case of Ghana

File photo of students File photo of students

Silence is never an option when things are being done improperly. This preceding assertion is the catalyst that has precipitated me to pour my heart out on the current repugnant state of our WAEC organized examinations.

The deplorable state of our West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination is one which should give every lover of education a great cause to worry.

Our educational system is now bedeviled with the monstrous urge to pass at all cost hence most senior high schools have the penchant of charting the path of examination immorality.

The receptivity of students to pass via all sorts of crooked means is one which is expeditiously eroding confidence in WAEC organized examinations. Hence, WAEC is gradually becoming a jocular institution since their organized examinations are marred with various forms of disheartening malpractices.

A brigade of educational hoodlums have infiltrated our examinations ecosystem compromising a lot of key officials within our examinations architecture charged with the mandate to organize examinations of high integrity.

The insatiable taste of most WAEC officials has rendered them a stooge of dishonesty thereby polluting our educational atmosphere with various outrageous grades. Now, empty heads even pass out with As in chains.

Standard processes and protocols which were otherwise strict are now short-circuted to ensure that students from senior high schools who pay higher to some rogue WAEC officials lay their hands on the exams questions. Sadly, in recent times students even manage to enter the examinations hall with smart phones. A complete eyesore!

If the education ministry doesn't take practical steps to stamp out these rots currently metastasizing at such an alarming rate, no tertiary institution in any serious academic jurisdiction will recognize our WAEC certificates any longer!

God Bless Our Homeland Ghana
And Make Our Nation Great and Strong