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Opinions of Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Columnist: Eric Sepenu Afli

The future is dark

University of Ghana, Legon University of Ghana, Legon

The 2017 election petition of the Graduate Students' Association of Ghana Legon(GRASAG-LEGON) has not only exposed the rot in the association for the past years but has also brought to light the negligence of people who are supposed to protect and defend the constitution of our noble association.

As a petitioner of the GRASAG -LEGON 2017 election, many people called on me to 'let go' giving reasons such as: "it is very difficult to overturn election results", "look at the 2012 election petition",
"GRASAG spent about Ghs14000 on the election so it will be difficult for the court to call for a re- election"

I then asked myself these questions:

Does it mean one can do anything unacceptable on the day of election just to win and go scot-free, because election are won at the polling station?

Does it mean anyone who is able to rig or do anything unacceptable during election day is good to go, just because of the cost involved in elections?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I wasn't surprised when even without a cross examination the court gave a ruling due to the circumstances(#particularinterest)that surrounded the constitution of the Judicial Committee.

I felt like the most sensitive part of my soul had been touched, when the constitution of our noble association GRASAG-LEGON was bridged at the 5th Senate Meeting in the full glare of the Judicial Committee.

An audit report is presented and accepted by senate on the eve of handing over (a bridge of Chapter 5,Article 13, Clause 7, Paragraph D of the GRASAG-LEGON Constitution. "THE AUDIT COMMITTEE SHALL AUDIT ALL GRASAG -LEGON ACCOUNTS AND PRESENT IT TO SENATE AT LEAST TWO(2) WEEKS PRIOR TO HANDING OVER CEREMONY").

A Judicial Committee ruling on a petition challenging election results is presented to petitioners on the eve of handing over ( Chapter 5, Article 13, Clause 9, Paragraph D. "WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO ANY PROVISION(S) IN THIS CONSTITUTION, THE RIGHT TO APPEAL TO THE APPEALS BOARD SHALL RISE FROM A JUDGMENT OR ORDER OF THE JUDICIAL COMMITTEE WITHIN SEVENTY-TWO (72) HOURS").

Today, a handing over ceremony is taking place at the time when school is on vacation, even when the constitution of GRASAG-LEGON Chapter 9,Article 29,Clause 1 states that "OUTGOING MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SHALL HAND OVER TO THE INCOMING OFFICERS AT A GATHERING OF ALL GRADUATE STUDENTS".

Where are those who refered to the GRASAG constitution that a particular committee cannot function and called for an emergency senate meeting to form a new one?

Where are those "Senior Members"who were challenging the locus of the former Chairman of the Judicial Committee of GRASAG-LEGON?

Why are the "Senior Members" quite today?

Is it because today the "Senior Members" are fed up with the lawlessness of GRASAG-LEGON leadership?

Are the "Senior Members" quite today because this time round the happenings suits their parochial interest?

Or is it because of the #particularinterest agenda?

"The youth is not only our future, but our present" (John Dramani Mahama).

If today we can disrespect the constitution of GRASAG, what will happen to the 1992 constitution when we take over affairs of the nation tomorrow?

If today we can forge documents for non students to vote in GRASAG elections, what will happen to free and fair elections when we take over affairs of the nation tomorrow?

If today we can influence a student court to rule in favor of our #particularinterest, what will we do to the rule of law when we take over the affairs of the nation tomorrow?

The future of Ghana is dark I must say.
As an Old Vandal and a Catholic, I believe in the philosophy of truth. " Truth will always Stand"

"The inactions of those who should have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when I mattered most is what has made it possible for evil to prevail today". These are the words of a former Ethiopian leader (Haile Selasi).

Opinion leaders, Student leaders, Fellow Graduate Students; posterity will surely not forgive us if we do not ACT now.

Posterity will surely not forgive us if we do not GET INVOLVE now.

Posterity will surely not forgive us if we do not SPEAK now.

LONG LIVE University of Ghana