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Opinions of Monday, 2 October 2023

Columnist: Dr. Stephen Gyesaw

The great deception: The NPP and NDC parties are partners and not enemies in exploiting and manipulating the masses

The NDC and NPP logo The NDC and NPP logo

The tapestry of Ghana's political landscape is intricately woven together with the threads of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the two major political entities that have, for decades, held the reins of power in Ghana.

However, beneath the veneer of political rivalry, a more disquieting reality exists that the masses might not discern. The assertion is this: the NDC and NPP are not adversaries battling for the nation's goals and interests but rather partners in an intricate dance of manipulation and exploitation.

This revelation prompts us to explore the complex web of political and economic challenges plaguing Ghana in our fourth republic. At its core lies the pervasive
misconception that these two parties are fundamentally at odds. They have adeptly engineered this illusion, masterfully convincing the populace that they are distinct entities, each fighting for its vision of a better Ghana.

However, beneath the surface, a different narrative unfolds. These parties operate in cahoots to pursue self-interest.

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for this assertion is the lack of substantial legal action between the NDC and NPP. This is despite their frequent public accusations of embezzlement and corruption. One would expect that if these allegations held water, there would be an unrelenting quest for justice. Yet, this is not the case. Instead, we witness cordial camaraderie among the political elites, whether in the hallowed halls of Parliament or during
elite social gatherings in the bustling city of Accra.

As a result of their laughter and bonhomie, these political actors paint a picture of friendship rather than enmity among themselves. But a stark transformation occurs as they descend from their lofty positions and engage with the masses. They craft narratives that sow division and strife among the citizenry, all to serve their vested interests.

One of the most potent tools in their manipulation toolbox is ethnicity. Politicians employ racial and tribal divisions to advance their ambitions, often making promises to specific ethnic groups. These promises range from cultural values promotion to government job allocation and development projects. By catering to ethnic interests, they secure loyalty and support. They often
guard a particular group's identity and heritage, shielding it from perceived threats posed by other ethnic factions.

This divisive approach creates a clear "us versus them dynamic among the masses. More disconcerting is the deliberate exacerbation of ethnic tensions and, in some tragic instances, the outright incitement of ethnic violence for political gains. They watch from safe distances when violence erupts, exploiting the masses for political advantage.

While they may claim to act in the interests of their tribes, it is typically the elite members who reap the rewards, not the rank-and-file members of these groups. Ironically, the unity among the political elite when they convene contrasts starkly with the divisions they encourage among the general population. When these elites come together, they often prioritize their shared educational backgrounds and the bonds forged as schoolmates and classmates, overlooking ethnic disparities.

This discrepancy between the narratives they project to the masses and their interactions emphasizes the need for greater unity and transcendence of ethnic divisions in a broader society. In addition to ethnic manipulation, politicians employ propaganda and misinformation to maintain power. They enact policies that disproportionately favor the economic elite while imposing heavy tax burdens on the general population. Consider, for instance, the disparity in property taxes: while property owners often escape paying their fair share, the masses are saddled with taxes on the meager sums they earn.

This economic inequity underscores the painful reality that the political and economic elite, those who wield power, function primarily to enrich themselves.
In our quest to understand the complex relationship between the NDC and NPP, it is crucial to recognize that attaining genuine independence for Ghana remains an incomplete mission. This task demands liberation from internal dominance and manipulation perpetrated by those in power and authority.

In many respects, these elites have assumed a role akin to colonial powers,
subjecting the Ghanaian masses to oppression and exploitation. True independence, therefore, necessitates breaking free from this internal yoke and self-determination. The vast resources allocated for themselves, whether through ex-gratia payments or other means, reveal an alarming reality: approximately 50 percent of annual tax revenues are channeled to compensate less than 3 percent of the population. This staggering economic disparity underscores the fundamental truth that these two segments of society, the political and economic
elites, operate in a manner that principally benefits themselves.

If Ghanaians view the NDC and NPP as separate and opposing entities, they will remain vulnerable to manipulation. Elites will continue to exploit this division to their advantage, ensuring their interests prevail over the collective good. It is essential to recognize that, regardless of political affiliations, elite members often intermarry and offer condolences at each other's family events.

This demonstration of unity among the elite, irrespective of political differences, starkly contrasts the divisions they sow among the broader population.

In conclusion, the great deception unfolds as we reveal that the NDC and NPP, far from being archenemies in Ghanaian politics, are partners in manipulating and exploiting the masses. They skillfully employ ethnicity, propaganda, and economic policies to perpetuate national control. As Ghanaians perceive these two entities and the political and economic elite as separate, they will remain susceptible to this manipulation. This will hinder true independence and social cohesion.

It is high time that Ghanaians saw through this façade and demand a more transparent and equitable political landscape for their nation.