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Opinions of Sunday, 8 January 2023

Columnist: Adwoa PR

The great exodus of Black Americans to Britain after 400 years

A photo collage of the author and slaves on a a ship A photo collage of the author and slaves on a a ship

The year 2019 marked the end of the era of American slavery after 400 years since the African Americans arrived as captives on a ship in 1619. The 400-year prediction is one of the most significant events in Black History as it marks the end of the struggle of the chosen Black people who are currently in America.

Many believe that it is the beginning of the new uprising of Black Americans. The majority of Black Americans are waking up to their heritage as they discover their true identity and return to the land they used to own before migrating to Africa.

This part of history has been lost and forgotten by those who have previously narrated the history. The native Romans were the Black Etruscans, and Great Britain was populated by the Black Cimarrons Tudors who were also known as the Israelites or Jacobites before the great Invasion by the Germanic, Rus, Latvia, Russia, and other mountainous countries.

According to Lady Safi of the Northern Kingdom, all Black Americans are preparing to return to Britain after apocalyptic extreme weather in America has killed a lot of people, especially during the festive season of December 2022.

"The weather is a warning to us Black Americans to flee America before the possible Armageddon and Apocalypse," says Lady Safi.

The return of Black Americans to Great Britain is anticipated to be the most memorable event ever to be recorded in History because Black People have always been the source of power for the American economy.

This time, Black Americans and other black people are moving to a place called the Northern Kingdom in Great Britain where they anticipate building their own society and being self-sufficient. This is a project led by Atehene of the Northern Kingdom.