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Opinions of Monday, 26 July 2021

Columnist: Kelvin Akrong

The human character

There are millions of unrealistic facts we have to let go There are millions of unrealistic facts we have to let go

The miscellany of mortals have created some dichotomy within the entire human race. The adjournment and half-baked persistency in our expression and exertion leaves me in "a catch-22 situation."

Let's take this systematically, from my theorem, and make your analysis. I passed some comments with regards to the notion behind the extortion of money illegally by 'yahoo boys' from their 'clients'.

They say: "we are retrieving our stolen goods from our colonial masters. They stole and deceived our forefathers. They made us slaves. It’s now pay back time."

This question may sound hilarious, but were you born then? Do not forget that there were agreements reached and bonds signed.

Below ensued in a conversation on the matter I had with a college student.

Him: When you get the opportunity to rip a white man the sum of two million dollars, will you decline the chance?

Me: That's rhetoric.

Him: When you complete school and obtain all necessary certificates without a job, you can troll them all you want.

Me: People make it clean. That's my opinion.

The above is absurd. Simply because my legit scale of preference pitchpoled, does not mean my opportunity cost should be an illegal and a negative one.

Do not be dazzled. I do not also mean to criticize them I only want us to know the truth from what is true.

Let us further enlighten ourselves now. I read a quote which say,
"If you can't marry her, don't date her." I was hasty to conclude and disagreed with the quote and said, "you need to date to know each other. However, at certain times dating may not lead to marriage." Now look beneath, you’ll realize that the quote is indeed true.

A young lady further explained: "Because some dating relationships do not go well, just because of circumstances or people not adjusting to each other, they (boys) tend to 'play' girls with the perception that nothing good will prevail from the relationship. This mindset needs change, if you do not want to marry her, don't date her. Dating is friendship but in our culture we've interchanged it with courtship. The Western world sees so from a different perspective, we're only being cautioned."

We haven't seen it all. How can we say “school na scam?” If you made it on the streets, do not discourage the learner, and vice versa. School is never a scam. Not everyone is intellectual, and not everyone can do the street hustling. Let us give everyone an equal platform to dictate their own life.

Personally, I know education is the best. We are not only educated at school; education comes every day and from everywhere. We learn every day, grow every day, and improve every day.

In one of Rex Mayor Ubini's poems, he made mention of our ancestors in grief, not knowing their descendants present situation ("hell or a place they would call a home"). We (the descendants) have been liberated from external force, but we're yet to grow.

There are millions of unrealistic facts we have at heart. Let's make researches and learn for ourselves. Let us not presume that every information is the truth. They may be true though. Well, truth is absolute and, to some extent, "true" has some lies surrounding it.

We live in a world of misconceptions and speculations. We've found the 'home' but we are not dwelling in it. The human character needs change.

It is true that there may be diverse ways of seeing and reacting on some delicate matters. Let us not imprison our minds to some notion that things cannot and will not get better.

It definitely will. Are we ready to change the 'human character', and not the human?