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Opinions of Saturday, 1 January 2022

Columnist: Atanga Mathew

The ills of the Ghanaian education system

The writer, Mathew Atanga The writer, Mathew Atanga

A Ghanaian teacher must be timid, lack confidence, be ignorant of his/her rights, be a poodle to authorities, obey without questioning anything, be unreasonably humble, and above all act like an imbecile. With these, they will call you a good teacher and will always use you as a standard for other teachers to look up to.

A bad teacher in Ghana is one who is confident, inquisitive, insists on his/her rights, questions authorities when it requires so, is outspoken, and above all, makes effective use of his conscience.

Teacher Kwadwo sorry, but please blame your parents for giving birth to you in Ghana.

And please, next time be mindful of how you insult elderly people in the name of politics. Your earlier posts on social media in 2015 and 2016 while JM was in power portray you as a rude person. It is rather unfortunate that your own party wouldn't entertain half a dose of the same venom that you administered to JM.

Sorry again that your activism did not yield any results instead, it cost you your very source of livelihood. It was obvious that, under this government, your screams and yells would sound like the cry of a blind housefly, judging from the government's reaction to well-organised demonstration preceding yours which never made any impact.

Teacher Kwadwo our prayers are with you in these trying moments.

Stay strong!