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Opinions of Monday, 12 April 2021

Columnist: Dr Ahmed Osumanu Halid

The man Ken Ofori-Atta

Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta

Ghana has a nation is blessed with such an industrious and result-oriented Minister in charge of our purse or finance.

That gentle and safe hands is Hon Ken Ofori Atta, a true patriot of the land who exhibits the colours of the nation anywhere he finds himself.

I have just developed love for this man because of some humanistic attributes he has or possesses as a person and as a politician. He demonstrates these traits or qualities in his daily activities as I curiously observe him.

The first of these attributes is his love for God. He allows God to take full control of whatever he does. He places Him in the centerpiece of his duties, roles and assignments.

For instance, during the presentations of annual budget statements, he mostly commences the presentations with some biblical verses from the Holy Bible and ends with same.

Our God is a loving one, you invite Him, He comes. No wonder this our friendly Finance Minister continues to perform what I termed as financial miracles for us as a people.

Secondly, his dedication and determination to see Ghana triumph in all aspects of development. He does all that within his remit of knowledge with the assistance of his lieutenants to turnaround the growth of our economy.

It is amazing the way and manner he does it especially during this covid 19 pandemic period. We see many economies collapsing but our economy is still strong. We praise Allah for such an astute financial messiah.

The World Bank and its twin brother, the International Monetary Fund have been praising our country/economy for its resilience.

They continue to assure the nation that the economy will bounce in full gears because they believe in the capacity of the Hon Minister. Most Ghanaians are also confident that our Finance Minister has what it takes to improve the economy to their satisfaction.

Another excellent trait is his smartness to create opportunities to all irrespective of a person's background. The bank he has established for more than 2 decades is still vibrant and contributing to the growth of the economy and providing employment to many. Leadership.

During his vetting which lasted for two days, this man exhibited deep understanding of his territory. He scattered the ill planned intentions of the Minority on the Appointment s Committee.

He took his time to answer more than 30 questions threw to him by the members of the Committee.

His calmness posture also did the trick. It wasn't surprising that his approval was by consensus and easily sailed through when it was presented to the entire House.

As usual few disgruntled politicians decided to go haywire without any convincing reason why he was approved both at the Committee level and at the plenary stage. What they did was to go out there playing to the gallery.

Rationale Ghanaians condemned their cheap political naivety. Hon KOA, the nation and its citizens wish you well so you will continue to implement your humanistic policies for us.

We shall pray for good health and long life so you will achieve your objectives.
Allah richly bless you and your boss,the President of our dear nation,Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo and all who are helping in this endeavour.

I am confident that you will once again deliver to the satisfaction of most Ghanaians.