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Opinions of Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Columnist: Annum Rockson Prince

The mask of racism

Writer of the article, Annum Rockson Prince Writer of the article, Annum Rockson Prince

Unfortunately, racism in football is still an issue that needs to be addressed. Despite various initiatives and campaigns, players and coaches continue to experience discrimination and abuse based on their race or ethnicity.

It is time for all football clubs, players, and supporters to prioritize the eradication of racism in the sport. Racism should not have any place in football, and we must work together to ensure that everyone feels safe and respected both on and off the field.

This afternoon, I opened my Facebook app to see what’s trending. I saw a post by Sports Obama on a racial comment made by supporters of a team to Vinicius Jr. I decided to go through the comments section. I was very shocked by some individuals who were black-skinned justifying the racial comments on a black skin player.

Your fellow black man is being called a monkey and people are happy about that. They should be ashamed of themselves. Ain’t we the promoters of racism? Our love should tilt towards those who are abused because of their skin colour rather than our affection for rivalry clubs.

We must all strive towards creating a football community that is free from racism, where players, coaches, and fans alike are celebrated for their talents and abilities, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is our responsibility to make this a reality.