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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

The neglected challenges of rural health service and education in Ghana

Some schools in rural areas lack proper classrooms Some schools in rural areas lack proper classrooms

Like many African leaders, Ghanaian leaders also don’t pay much attention to the problems in rural areas to make life better and easy for the people.

Rural areas in Ghana are undeveloped, yet, the government doesn't like it if teachers and health workers aren’t interested to serve rural communities in Ghana.

The development of rural areas in Ghana should have been the priority of any Ghanaian leader because that will avoid congestion and overpopulation in the cities and towns.

Even though migration from rural areas to the big cities and towns in search of jobs has increased, development in rural Ghana hasn't been a major plan to any Ghanaian leader.

Despite Ghana being one of the richest countries in West Africa, some of the rural places lack electricity and a good source of drinking water.

Many of the schools are not suitable for teaching as rain often wet classrooms without tables and chairs. In some rural areas, school children have to carry their chairs and table to and after school.

These are some of the reasons many teachers and health professionals appointed by the government to work in rural areas wouldn’t like to take the jobs.

For example, the Ghana Health Council has called on health professionals to accept job offers in rural Ghana because many are not interested.

If the Ghanaian government cares about development and the welfare of the people, before giving an appointment to health officials in rural Ghana, they must first make sure the place's standard of living is good to motivate them to do their jobs.

After over six decades Ghana had independence, many rural places across Ghana are yet to see electricity and a good source of drinking water.

The Ghana government doesn’t care to make life better for the people but they hate when teachers and health professionals wouldn’t like to work.

Agriculture plays a significant role in enhancing Ghana’s economy, yet the needs of farmers have been neglected, making life very difficult for them.

After hard work, the lack of good roads to bring their products to the nearest markets is impossible, thus; many food species of stuff get rotten. These are some of the reasons prices of foodstuffs are very high in the cities.

The countries of sub-Saharan Africa continued to occupy the first positions in the rankings of the poorest countries in the world despite the vast mineral resources.

This should be a thing of the past because we can’t afford to lose billions to foreign companies while we neglect our people of common basic amenities.