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Opinions of Saturday, 5 March 2022

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane, Contributor

The nemesis of NDC in election 2020

National Democratic Congress National Democratic Congress

Folks, I have close to 2 million fans who read my articles; I sometimes keep what I hear from my fans to myself. Occasionally, I’m faced with a situation where I’m compelled to tell the secrets I know: and today is one of those situations.

It may happen that in the frankness of this article I must go deeper than I would love to so that truth which has been attenuated, veiled, sweetened, damped and falsified will be uncovered. I promise you a doozy write-up. Enjoy.

I love the Late Former President Rawlings for his Charisma. He would be remembered for some of the major things he achieved during his tenure as president which include decentralisation in Ghana leading to the creation of 110 districts through non-partisan district level elections; something unthinkable in many other African countries.

But what I will fondly remember him for is his version of an Akan proverb: "An insect which will bite you will definitely be found inside your cloth." The explanation to this adage is that people who will hurt you are likely to be those very close to you.

Interestingly, the Late former President Rawlings decided to put it this way: "An insect which will bite you would definitely be wearing a cloth." Much as this is funny, the gist of the proverb is to warn people to be wary of those close to them, and I won't mince words in saying that part of the problems of the NDC in the 2016 and 2020 elections came from within---serious own goals: disunity, disloyalty, dishonesty and greed.

For example, is it true that the former Parliamentary Candidate in the largest Constituency in Ghana and the Constituency Executives are in a bitter confrontation since 2019 after the parliamentary primary election?

Is it true that the aforementioned needless incessant bickering has ended up in court?

Is it true that six branch executives who petitioned the Regional and National Executive Committees for some alleged misappropriation of party funds by the Constituency Executive Committee (CEC) have been suspended by the Regional Disciplinary Committee?

Is it true that the CEC is also preparing a candidate to contest the former PC should they retain their positions?

How do you think such a Constituency will perform during a bye-election or the 2024 elections?

Again, is it true that a Constituency Secretary in the Eastern Region has been suspended since 2015 under alleged bizzaire circumstances, and that there has been a long litigation on this at the Koforidua High Court up to date?

And now the shocker! Is true that some constituencies kept phones given to them for the collation of election results, only to distribute them to their cronies after the election results were declared? Laa, ilaa, ilaa, laa!

Yes, I'm very optimistic of the chances of the NDC in 2024, so are many other folks and comrades, but the party has a lot of work to do to make victory a mathematical certainty.