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Opinions of Sunday, 10 May 2020

Columnist: Osman Lahorima Iddrisu Banpuori

The politics of suspension, a harbinger of victory

Allotey Jacobs Allotey Jacobs

Most political parties in Ghana, especially the two major political parties, the NDC and NPP are both guilty of suspending their senior or vociferous members whether they are in opposition or in government.

According to both parties, the actions of those suspended went contrary to the rules of their parties hence the strict application of the law. These parties make various references to provisions of their respective parties constitution to support their actions and went ahead to encourage the victims to appear before the disciplinary committee to file a response. This could drag on for years if not months. The wheels of justice grinds slowly.

Before the 2016 General elections, the ruling New Patriotic Party had suspended its National chairman Mr.Paul Afoko, Kwabina Adjei Agyapong former General secretary and Sammy Crabbe a National vice Chairman among others. The trio were alleged to have acted in a manner that goes contrary to the doctrine and constitution of the Party. The Party’s action was greeted with mixed feelings and reactions within the rank and file of the NPP.The suspended members did not take the action of the party lying down at all as they went through all existing legal procedures and structures to nullify their suspension but it proved futile. Predictably,this created tension and violence within NPP at its headquarters and elsewhere in some Regions and constituencies , yet the NPP survived the internal turbulence and went further to win the 2016 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. Arguably, it went into history as the biggest electoral victory NPP ever enjoyed.

Similarly, it was the biggest electoral defeat the Governing NDC suffered since its inception.

Interestingly, most members of the NPP who endorsed the mass suspension of those” stubborn” Senior executive members, were exonerated and the entire NPP saw the action as a key winning strategy that helped them. It was simply the method of jettisoning the stubborn goods that were rocking their vessel in voyage. Their suspension was a dent in their political image it brought into question their level of tolerance and internal criticism and Democratic credentials, according to critics.

But they argued that it was done in the larger interest of the party. At the end, the party won, but did they win back it withered image, as unfriendly toward internal criticism?

Its important as a political party to sometimes take bold decisions to sanitize their ranks off weak links while ensuring that the path to victory becomes clearer.

It is one of the biggest signs of ensuring internal unity and this remains a harbinger for political victory.

Also, it appears the National Democratic Congress has observed with keen interest and hence was outraged by the anti-party conduct of it's former Central Regional Chairman, Mr.Allotey Jacobs. The educated fisherman as he's otherwise known persistently and enigmatically ran down the efforts of the NDC, a party he belonged until now.

He succeeded in securing a permanent seat on Peace FM morning show on every Wednesday, He uses that precious airtime as a regular panellist to trumpet the good works of the ruling party that defeated his own party at 2016 polls. This drew merciless criticism and verbal attacks from adherents of the opposition NDC, some of his critics described him as ungrateful and a marauding political scavenger looking for where it was well cooked for him to eat. According to reliable sources, It was widely reported that Mr.Allotey Jacobs was a board member of GNPC during the regime of NDC. He also had immeasurable business opportunities that enriched him. He's been described as a man that is comfortably rich.Glory be to NDC.Well ,he must increase his wealth or protect that which he has, However, must it be done to mare the electoral fortunes of his own party?he should remember that “ you don't bite the hand that feeds you”.

As a political watcher and stern believer of political loyalty, I think the suspension was timely since it could restore the withering communication unrest that also constituted an enigma to other loyal members of the NDC.

The NDC had learnt its lessons faster than before, perhaps from the NPP that suspension of a “non-conformist “ senior member could be a sign of victory. Now Mr.Alottey Jacobs will be treated as an external opponent on any media or communication warfare. Hitherto, he was an NPP member masquerading as NDC top-notch.

However, one doesn't expect a lopsided reaction from the public following his suspension,all NPP members condemned the action and described it as a dent in internal Democracy of NDC they added that the main opposition party was exhibiting a high level of intolerance. The exact words that were used against NPP when some of its senior members suffered similar faith. Does the NPP know what is coming to them?

They seem very uncomfortable with the axing of Allotey Jacobs from the NDC and will go every extent to justify why Allotey Jacobs shouldn't have been suspended. Its clearly a push and pull between the two Parties. This is hypocritically ridiculous and unthinkable.