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Opinions of Monday, 6 February 2012

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

The reasons why the Finance Minister, Dr Duffour, Must Resign

President Mills' government is irredeemably corrupt. Anyone stringently associating with this government regardless how honest you are, is bound to be stained somewhere along the line. The President is unreasonably weak, and illogically not in control of the affairs of Ghana as is otherwise mandatory upon him by the Constitution. From the Woyomegate and Wilsongate scandals through to the politics of insults and the utter display of uncouth opulence by the NDC gurus, one could ascertain how his irresponsible subordinates are flouting all his orders and requests.

There is uncountable number of bad nuts among the NDC. Some are fond of chirping insults on their political opponents or on a section of Ghanaians while others are experts at inflicting daylight robbery on Mother Ghana. People like Alex Segbefia, emaciated Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, and Kobby Acheampong, Carl Wilson, Alfred Agbesi Woyome and a host of others are a disgrace unto themselves and Mother Ghana. Before I proceed any further, let me pause to warn all those so-called greedy bastards within the NDC and the Ghana body politic that they "ain't seen nothing yet" (they haven't seen anything yet). They can run but they cannot hide, for that, I can assure Ghanaians.

Everybody knows how honest and industrious the Finance Minister, Dr Kwabena Duffour, is, yet the deplorably uncontrollable corrupt practices by the NDC members have tarnished his long earned reputation. This ingenuous Son of Kumawu has now become a subject of ridicule. His name has become anathema in some circles of the Ghanaian society and the mere mention of it tickles people.

Who in Ghana never knew until today that Kwabena was doing a charity job for Ghana being the Finance and Economic Planning Minister? He does not draw any salary. He does not take any allowance. He does not take any free petrol from the government nor lives in a government's bungalow. I know his youthful determination to be of service to his people and country has compelled him to serve in various responsible positions both in the country's financial institutions and in government. Nevertheless, the insurmountable stinky corruption with the glaring incompetence the NDC are awash in has nearly cost Kwabena his reputation, causing his name to be dragged in the dirt-laden streets of Ghana and the stench-choking gutters of Accra.

Even though it says, "Show me your friend and I will tell you your character", Kwabena unlike his NDC colleagues, is not a daylight robber nor corrupt. He followed procedure, querying conniver Betty Mould-Iddrisu and notifying President Mills about his actions taken prior to paying that cat-thief now turned a multi-million Cedi businessperson cum NDC financier, Alfred Agbesi Woyome. However, a sizeable majority of Ghanaians still smell rat about his actions and question his credibility, integrity and sincerity. They see his explanations as not good enough to warrant his continuous stay as the Finance Minister of Ghana.

I personally trust the competence and honesty of Kwabena. He will surely come out clean from any public enquiries mounted into his actions as far as that default judgment in favour of, with the subsequent payment of judgment debt of GHC58 Million to, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, goes.

Nevertheless, I will strongly admonish the Finance Minister to resign his position to clear his name either in the event of his arrest as people are clamouring for, or not. He is an innocent person but unfortunately finds himself in the midst of incompetent, unreasonably corrupt and uncouth bullies or entities. The NDC's cobweb of evil practices inextricably intertwines him the longer he stays in government, to drag his name in the mud. He should note that, "Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill" Some people do believe that as birds of the same feathers flock together, my Kumawu compatriot is equally blameable. I beg to differ. I am not defending him but stating the facts and also advising him to quit the NDC government due to the established overflowing canker in the party and government.

Stay tuned for more damaging revelations about the NDC. The Woyomegate is just the tip of the iceberg. I shall also not rest until President Mills and his Alex Segbefia account for the cars they allowed Carl Wilson to steal to share among the NDC via what was a shambolic auction sales or a complete underestimation of the intelligence of Ghanaians. I promise that Carl Wilson can never escape from punishment for taking Ghanaians for fools by coming up with that crap of ability to run his personal software to detect stolen cars abroad which are but shipped to Ghana. This was just a ploy to enrich himself and the NDC's Campaign 2012 Chest for the re-election of President Mills.

A word to the wise is enough.
