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Opinions of Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Columnist: Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu

The rebirth of communal spirit in the Sissala East Constituency

Deputy Sanitation Minister, Amidu Chinnia Issahaku Deputy Sanitation Minister, Amidu Chinnia Issahaku

In the 1950s, there were legendary stories of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah inspiring Ghanaians of all walks of life to take up the role of solving societal problems on their own.

He sometimes joined the people in communal activities so that they would know that it is not left to the government to be the only entity responsible for fixing our problems.

In the 1980s and 1990s, former president Jerry John Rawlings also drew a lot of people to himself by engaging in communal activities. I was a witness when he entered a very large gutter in Mamobi to help desilt it in the 1990s.

There is evidence of him carrying bags of cocoa on his back and also joining others to construct bridges among others during his PNDC days.

Fortunately for us and for the very first time in the history of the Sissala East constituency, we have a leader who in less than a year in office as a Member of Parliament, has brought himself to the level of his constituents, appreciated their struggles, and sufferings and joined them in fixing their communal problems.

He knows, as in the case of Dr. Nkrumah and Rawlings, the central government will act but before they come in, the people themselves must put their house in order.

The challenges on our roads in the Sissala East constituency are many and government after government keeps failing us. We know there are concrete efforts to solve most of our road challenges before 2024 but we must ply on those same roads before that time.

That is why it is good that the MP for Sissala East constituency, Honourable Amidu Chinnia Issahaku, joined the people of Kassana to fix their broken bridge. He supporting them with finance and bags of cement was equally refreshing.

I pray and hope other communities with similar challenges will emulate the communal spirit of the good people of Kassana.

May Allah continue to bless the reign of our Honourable MP. He is giving value to the position of the MP and setting a big standard for those to come after him...

I shall, Insha Allah, be back...