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Opinions of Monday, 2 April 2018

Columnist: Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah

The resurrection of Christ is a reality

Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost

Easter reminds us of our Lord Jesus Christ’s victory over sin and death. It tells us that at a point in time in the history of humanity God sent His Son Jesus to die for us because of our sins and that after three days He resurrected from death. The resurrection is a reality which should remind us of our temporary lives on earth. We are strangers and foreigners who will one day leave for our eternal home.

The lives we live here will determine where we dwell, whether to be with the Lord or not. Therefore, we must not live illusive lives which the world offers. Illusion is something with deceptive appearance such as watching films and seeing people killed and burnt. These only appear so real but not. Other things which are illusionary include drinking, smoking, exhibitionism, and engaging in deviant sexual lives, such as homosexuality and sexual immorality, with the aim of making merry. The more people engage in these vices the more they feel frustrated.

Easter should cause us to come back to God for help and solution. Easter speaks to us about the loving heart of God which is ready to offer mercy to all who come to him. He forgives and restores.

Easter also reminds us of the good heritage that the loving Father has given to His children— the loving Father bringing back his wayward children to His home and restoring to us all that we have lost which include forgiveness, love, respect, peace, and hope. Thus Easter must remind us of the good culture that the Lord has given us by respecting one another, offering a helping hand to the needy and making our homes the centre of the family life. We must not accept lies from the evil one, in the name of modernity such as living individualistic lives, abandoning the family life, disrespecting one another, abusing one another, piercing our bodies in the forms of tattoos, and making ourselves half-naked. These are only delusions. They do not bring joy and satisfaction.

The resurrection of Christ is a reality that should change the way you live as an individual. You must not live as someone who does not believe in God and life after death. You must aim to resurrect to everlasting life with Christ. This will come as you accept Jesus, the Son of God into your life as your Lord and Saviour. His power will change you and make you the type of person that you will like to be—the child of God living in dignity and hope.

Happy Easter to you all.

By: Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah, Chairman of The Church of Pentecost And President Of The Ghana Pentecostal And Charismatic Council