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Opinions of Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Columnist: Abdul Hakeem.

The rise and fall of President Akufo Addo: Once upon a time Part I

Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo

When President Akufo Addo’s political campaign platform collapsed, capsized, and somersaulted him off the stage twice in the build-up to the 2008 and 2012 general elections, many clean-minded Ghanaians suspected and doubted his intentions for the country as a presidential candidate.

For many citizens, God was speaking to Ghanaians in a sign language, that Ghana has no enemy than this man promising paradise on earth before us. Today, those who fingered him for nursing evil intentions in his bid to govern our dear mother Ghana as president, have been justified loud and clear.

The economy is hell, and he’s not yet ready to release us by our jugular vein: instead, he is scheming to foist upon us another calamity worse than him in the person of his humiliated vice president, Dr. Bawumia, who has mortgaged truth in leadership and declared war on honesty in the management of Ghanaians economy.
God shall surely deliver us from our national enemies. Amen! There’s certainly light at the end of the tunnel. Despair not, fellow Ghanaians.

The truth is that the cock that crows early in the morning belongs to a particular household, but the voice or noise belongs to nearby households, and indeed, the whole community. Again, the chicken that is denied the opportunity to drink water, may create its opportunity to pour it away. Meanwhile,
it’s also true that the death of one man’s chicken, would certainly garnish and add aroma to another man’s light soup.

Without gainsay, what is happening in the New Patriotic Party(NPP), is surely going to impact us and our beloved country positively and tremendously. The country would soon be unchained from her economic shackles and manacles tightened by her passionate deconstructors and destroyers as the NPP shall soon
explode and blow itself out of existence like the Krakatoa volcanic eruption of August 1883 in Indonesia, which blew the Krakatoa island out of existence 150 years ago.

The breakaway of Alan Kyerematen is certainly a political volcanic eruption to explode and blow the NPP out of political existence and relevance. And who says the butterfly cannot have an impact?

Professor Edward Norton Lorenz, a mathematician who coined the butterfly effect, observed how the simple movement of the wings of a butterfly in the Amazonian jungle led to hurricanes across entire Europe. The butterfly effect therefore postulates that small things may have greater results. A reason why a simple wrong turning of a car in 1914, led to the First World War when the Arch Duke Fernand, heir to the then Austria-Hungarian throne was assassinated by a 19-year-old young man.

You may call it Alan’s butterfly effect. It is a mere political gimmick for now but would eventually serve as the foundation for the new NPP and overthrow the tyranny of President Akufo-Addo. Alan’s butterfly effect is a political agenda to first and foremost mix Dr. Bawumia’s “gari” with sand, and obviously, like the proverbial chicken, to pour away the water he Kyerematen could not get to drink from because of the obvious harassment meted out to his polling agents.

Meanwhile, the former president, Mr. John Dramani Mahama, and the National Democratic Congress, NDC, and most certainly Ghanaians are going to be the greatest beneficiaries in this whole internal political hullabaloo and
brouhaha within the NPP!

And for us citizens and political onlookers, does this ongoing turmoil in the NPP surprise us? It is a big no; it doesn’t. History teaches mankind that, those who live by the sword, shall perish by the sword. Evil begets evil, and violence begets violence.

Thus, those who cultivate pepper shall never harvest cocoa. Because the evil men do, live after them. This timeless and priceless karmic philosophy has indeed been what caused the rise and fall of President Akufo-Addo whose maniacal desire to be president, has degenerated into national collapse and embarrassment. And really, men do rise and fall.

Towards the end of the movie series, “Troy”, the narrator refers men to winter wind: “They rise and fall.” Like Achilles and Hector of Greece and Troy, respectively, who were the best fighters and rose to their pinnacles in the art of ending human lives in both wars and single battles, were themselves introduced to the icy hands of death, every man that rises shall fall.

The master Jesus Christ however appears to have a different view: not all men that rise shall fall. For those men who lower themselves and have been raised by God shall not fall, but for those who try to rise above all other men in haughtiness, envy, and arrogance, shall indeed tumble, sag, and fall before
their time like that of the breasts of a young commercial sex trader. They fall before their time.

Thus Christ said: “Those who lower themselves in humility shall be elevated in status by God, and for those who elevate themselves in arrogance shall be suppressed, lowered, trampled upon, and humiliated by God.”

Fellow Ghanaians, this is the situation of Ghana under Akufo Addo-Dr. Bawumia government and their boat-load of very corrupt, useless men, and plenty of acclaimed Yale and Harvard trained economic and financial idiots and charlatans who have brought nothing to Ghana but shame, pain, octopus of hardships, and have reduced Ghana to a poverty capital of the globe, and sending us back light-years.

That is, the crux of the ongoing political crass and the rapidity of Ghana’s economic “laa yamuutu fii-ha wa laa Yahaya”, is a result of the NPP’s satanic mindset of “Ana Khayr” in the management of the economy which has brought this humiliating suffering upon the nation.

As if that was not bad enough, the NPP did just anything to win political power. A reason why they allegedly created DUMSOR during the Mahama regime and have been claimed to have buried over 300 frogs with amulets forced into their mouths and sewed up which would be explained in part two of this epistle.

Why would God have mercy upon such a nation if these claims turn out to be true? Why won’t the economy find itself in this state of comatose and “laa yamuutu fii-ha wa laa yahaya”? In the Qur’an, 87:13, God describes the punishment of the dwellers of hell as “laa yamuutu fii-ha wa laa yahaya”. Those who shall be cast into hell shall neither die nor live. God shall forbid that they die and
when their skins are burnt out, God shall create new ones for them so that they can continue to taste the pain and punishment of the fire (Qur’an 4:56).

As it stance, there is no oxymoronic description of the trauma of the ordinary Ghanaian citizens in the current economic mess than the above situation of those who shall occupy that evil abode: hell. In this contraption called economy, Ghanaians can neither live nor die, unless they choose to kill themselves. And we are where we are today because of the twin evil of “Juju politics” and arrogance of knowledge of economic management these humiliated economic managers bragged of during their days in opposition.

Fellow Ghanaians should recall the NPP labeled the now obviously abled president, John Mahama, and the political party Ghana can boast of, the NDC, as incompetent. But like Satan in the Qur’an who became the accursed one because he thought he was better than Adam and hence refused to prostrate to Adam, those who claimed to have been better than former president Mahama, have been exposed,
embarrassed, and tamed with their tails now in between their legs.

In the Qur’an, after God created Adam, He commanded all angels to prostrate to him (Adam). But all except Iblis (Lucifer) who refused to prostrate said “I am better than him” (“Ana Khayr”). This arrogance displayed by Satan and claiming to be better than others led to his eternal condemnation and damnation
according to Islam.

It’s embarrassing that today some thick skulls within the NPP still refer to President Mahama as incompetent despite the unprecedented economic mess they have created. Actually, through my investigation into the origin of this derogatory label the Akufo Addo-led opposition employed against the NDC government, I have come to realize that, that label was motivated by what
the Buhari-led APC adopted in the build-up to the 2015 general elections of Nigeria where the sitting President, Goodluck Jonathan was labeled as clueless!

Throughout that electioneering period leading to the unseating of the PDP with its Umbrella symbol, the label, CLUELESS, was always drummed into the ears of the former president, Goodluck Jonathan. So, the NPP also took a pilot project to adopt something derogatory to smear campaign president Mahama and the National Democratic Congress, NDC, whose symbol was also an Umbrella.

Unfortunately, however, unlike their Nigerian counterparts, the Buhari-led APC, who perhaps knew the meaning of the word “clueless”, and what it stood for, and adopted it as a political campaign weapon against the Goodluck Jonathan-led PDP, the Nana Addo-led NPP went for a word (incompetent) they had zero understanding of.

With the skyrocketing economic mess and leadership failure engulfing the nation, is it not interesting that some leading members of the NPP still have the shameless audacity to refer to our incoming political and economic savior, former president John Dramani Mahama as incompetent?

Do these bunch of crooks and gangsters understand what that word, incompetent, really means at all?

For the first time in the annals of our history, our inaugurating president plagiarized another president’s speech, embarrassing himself and the nation in the international news. Yet we were told that is not incompetence.

For the first time in the history of our dear nation, the country’s currency was ranked as the worst-performing currency in the whole wide world. Yet we were gagged not to call that incompetence because those who mismanaged the currency were trained abroad.

For the first time in the history of our dear nation, our economy was ranked the worst economy in the whole world. Ghanaians are silent because the Chairman of the Economic (mis)Management Team is a PhD holder in economics.

For the first in the history of our dear country, we have the nation’s apex Bank lose up to 60.9 billion. And the one who supervised this colossal loss has been left to continue with his failure because he has been trained at Harvard University.

For the first time in the history of Ghana, the public debt stock balloons to 575.7 billion with more than 70% ratio to Gross Domestic Product; for the first time in our history as a country, a reckless, merciless, useless, clueless, and very thoughtless government has borrowed more than twice what all past presidents have borrowed in 60 years, in just seven years.

Unless an accursed government fueled by greed and avarice, naughtiness, hatred, and envy of others (Mahama), as well as pride and arrogance of intellectual wherewithal the Nana Addo-led government boast of, no way would our economy have reached this goofing state.

Today, unless the unreasonable among us, indeed, the incompetent has become competent, and the so-called competent has become super incompetent. God does not like proud, arrogant, and boastful individuals. Ghanaians therefore have no option but to save themselves from this burdening leadership.