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Opinions of Sunday, 20 June 2021

Columnist: Abdulai Alhassan

The rise of Alan: A dawn all must embrace

Alan Kyeremanten, Trade and Industries minister Alan Kyeremanten, Trade and Industries minister

It is funny how patience and the tides of time have allowed us to rewatch an epistle that played out during Akuffo Addo and Alan's race to our noble party's summit. It was marred with ridicules and counter ridicules, we are watching the same now. It was characterized by blame apportioning and name-calling, we are seeing the same now.

In fact, the whole contest was reduced to a "who came first" mantra, and rightly so, many of our party faithful joined this band in playing those memorable tunes to our 2016 victory. But why and how these symphonies of our yesteryears are not allowed to grace ears in our today's political dispensation, typifies how hypocritical elements in Ghanaian politics can be.

The same people who chastised and vilified Alan's course, did so to legitimize Nana Addo flagbearership. Yet now, they are the voices behind the trumpets blowing to alter the course we co-authored for Nana Addo yesterday; he rose through every rank, he competed even with the former president, he laboured for the party earnestly- this was some of the messages from the sermons people washed the political scene with.

The question that is however begging for their attention now is, how different is Alan's struggle now from that of Nana Addo's struggle then. I will tell you the answer, there is absolutely no difference! So let us stop acting as though we do not know who laboured for this party when, how and where. The seniority people eloquently detailed then must be allowed to play now...

This is no plea to whoever hates to see Alan lead us into the battle that nighs, alas, it is to tell every member of our party, about what lurks behind the dark veil of fate -it is to chronicle what lies ahead of us all, and to say, how God, by their yesterday standards elected Alan Kyeremanteng; there is no fate-switching here, no amount of bitterness and or bigotry will save the day for his naysayers... The future is Alan, the future is now and collectively, the future is NPP; learn to live with it now!

Alan will rise...I shall return