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Opinions of Saturday, 1 May 2021

Columnist: Abdul Rahman Odoi

The sheer shenanigans

Muslims praying Muslims praying

Ramadan Read Day Nineteen

You are crying blood again
Hey Sister! You love to cry
Why shouldn’t I be worrisome?
Your late kid brother is resting
The court is on his teen-peers
Those throat slaughtering scums
They’ll soon be brought to book
You need to trust the process

Ouch! You heard the naysayer’s noise?
They called us dumb, female Muslims.
Ah, but for what resonate reasoning?
That, the men led the funeral prayer
And we prayed silently behind them
At the epoch the family needs consolation
Was this their ‘sympathetic’ message?
Then, they killed your brother even more

Now you see why I’m seeing red?
So allow my eyes to rant as please
Some people have sand in their minds
Trivializing a murder of a teen by teens
Maybe feminism is now for talented kids
Say that again, I wonder their agenda
They didn’t even care about your loss
It’s unfortunate for this to happen

In their gratings teen language
They say Muslims are “terrorists”
Yet, in their schools and institutions
they deny Muslims from fasting
They prohibit us from praying
They force us to attend church
They’re yet to “shit” for us to eat
Aren’t they the “amicable oppressors”?

So allow my eyes to rant as please
Sister, please wipe your tears
I’m not a believer, but I love Muslims
I cohabit peacefully with everyone
Let us crave for our similarities
We all need to be religiously tolerant
And stop picking on the “irrelevants”
Is it a must to teach Allah His religion?