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Opinions of Friday, 9 April 2021

Columnist: Benedicta Danso

The spice I didn't know I needed which changed everything

Benedicta Danso is the author of this article Benedicta Danso is the author of this article

I am not one to air my dirty laundry in public, but I have come to believe that sharing your problems and how you overcame them helps people who have similar troubles (hope this is true though and I don’t get judged for this).

I am not impulsive, quite the opposite. I try to weigh all outcomes of every idea I get before acting on it, I promise I do. Most of my friends actually think I am not spontaneous and sometimes, I agree.

I am a content writer; won’t blow my horns and say I am the best but I have gotten quite good at what I do. I graduated from the university with flying colours and even before I officially graduated I had people from different parts of the world quoting my thesis, told you I was good.

After school, I decided to open my own small business and start writing a couple of books. Bendan Publications I called it (not very creative for a writer I know, lol). My first book was finished within a month, just a small book, and I sold it to a publishing firm within a week. I was excited about this. I quit my day job for focus on entirely writing, good plan but something was amiss. Then the pandemic hit and everything went awry.

I thought all I had to do was write, but boy was I dead wrong. Growing your business entails way more than being good at what you do I came to realize.
After googling several ways to improve my business, I realized what I needed, a website.

Living in the digital world, a website is crucial for any business. If you have a business and don’t have a website, you are losing out on opportunities for your business. A website can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help your business grow.

The web has a far more extensive reach than any other form of advertising. Your website will be the center of your company’s online presence. It is no secret that people today spend a great deal of their time online which indicates that the internet is not a place to miss if you are looking to promote your company.

I was then set on a path to rectify my error. The first step was to create a well-designed website with an easy to remember URL. This website will be filled with shareable infographics which are visually engaging, easy to consume and fun to read.

I googled web designers around me and guess what came as the first page, WEBSYS Technology!

WEBSYS believes Digital innovation is changing the business landscape at a disruptive pace, and that the convergence of technologies is reshaping the future of businesses to help them grow and succeed. This is exactly what I needed.

To design a high performing website your web design company should understand:
• Your target market
• The features of the products/services you offer
• The benefits of these products/services
• What makes you different from your competitors
• Your future goals for the business
• Any much more

Without gathering this information, it’s pretty much impossible to create a website that’s good enough to do what you want it to.

Before the start of building my website, they arranged a one on one with me to gather as much information from me about my business.

This allowed them to get a clearer understanding and set a plan to research into my industry and target audience to come up with a plan in designing a website that truly works for me, impressive huh!

At Webysys, their consultants apply the knowledge to truly transform the game — covering strategy, design, technology and industry/domain knowledge to reshape the future of businesses. Their diverse team of IT Consultants focus on insight, customer experience and employee enrichment, what could be better.

WEBSYS focuses heavily on Search engine optimisation or SEO as they play a big part in the success of your website. It’s about how well your website follows the guidelines that Google sets. Some web design companies focus entirely on DESIGN. They tend to focus on making your website look good and leave the SEO stuff to you.

That’s ok if you know what you’re doing but wouldn’t it be good if your web designer at least thought about search engines while building your website.

After all, you could have the best-looking website in the world but if nobody can find you on Google then what’s the point. They build every website with SEO in mind, everything they do has some impact on search engine rankings. This is why they take their time throughout the design process to think about website content, page layout, menu structure, technical SEO, page speed and much more.
Another advantage I got from WEBSYS is the level of support I get from them since my website went live.

It’s only natural that I had a few questions once my new site was live and in them, I had all the support I wanted.

The business solutions offered turned my ideas into reality, solve complex problems and accelerate my business growth via innovation, increased productivity, reduced costs, and optimized asset utilization.

Am I raking in millions? Not yet, but I can assure you I am living the best life possible as I am 1000 steps from where I was original.