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Opinions of Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Columnist: Gladys Frimpomaa

The sports law and matters arising

Baba Yara stadium. Baba Yara stadium.

The tragedy of Ghana’s sports particularly, football is lack of resources for the efficient and transparent administration of the national football teams.

The inability of the government to adequately resource the Ministry of Youth and Sports to efficiently manage the national teams is a major factor affecting the teams.

But what is worse is that the resources, however little made available to these teams appeared not to be managed prudently. At least the Brazil World Cup experience points to the fact that the tax payer’s money is not being handled in carefully.

As a matter of fact, the Justice Dzamefe Commission of inquiry led to the uncovering of monies that were spent in Brazil, but which were unaccounted for.

To many keen followers of sports, that is not an isolated case. There has been public suspicion that the sports authorities have been misusing public funds and wished something could be done to halt the practice.

Thankfully, a new Sports Law that was passed last week now mandates the ministry responsible for sports to receive all monies including sponsorship, gifts and other benefits on behalf of the national teams.

The Sports Law 2016 gives the ministry the authority to handle and manage such monies on behalf of the national teams.

Certainly, this should be welcome news to many who wish that there is accountability in sports administration in Ghana.

Indeed, not only would this law ensure accountability and transparency, but it would also bring the national teams under the authority of the Sports Ministry.

It would also bring to an end the tussle between the ministry and the football authorities as to who is in charge of the national teams.

The law would further put to rest the confrontation between the ministry and administrators in-charge of the national teams, as to who is in charge of sponsorship including negotiating for friendlies for national teams.

Without doubt, these thorny issues are the reasons for the current bickering between the ministry and the football authorities but fortunately the new law would bring the difference to an end.

The law clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of each party which should ensure sanity in sports administration in the country.

The law may not be adequate to solve all the challenges confronting sports administration but it’s worthwhile to begin with the one just passed.

We commend the government and all stakeholders for the passage of the new law.