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Opinions of Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

The stone the builder rejected

Kennedy Agyapong Kennedy Agyapong

The Bible, regardless of how you see it, is true in many respects, such as the behaviours of present-day human beings to many of the parables told therein.

This brief publication is centred on Matthew 21:42 – “'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone”.

Many in those days did reject Jesus Christ despite his good works, however, he ended up becoming the saviour to many, although only to be wholeheartedly embraced after his death, resurrection and ascension to Heaven.

Some are the NPP members that have started lambasting Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.) for the fact he has resolutely decided to contest for the NPP flag bearer-cum-presidential-candidate slot.

Before he decided to join the contest, he was hailed as the saviour of NPP by the same people who are today treating him like dirt.

He had single-handedly been providing NPP with finance and other material resources the party needed. This is an indisputable fact!

Same as the very mouths that hailed Jesus Christ saying hosanna, and later shouted crucify him, the very NPP members that not long ago held Kennedy in high esteem and singing his praises, are today dragging him in the mud. Shame though!

What is his grievous sin, although loquacious and insulting parrot as he is? Is it a crucifixion crime to contest for the NPP flag bearer position in a democratic political party? If not, why then the attacks on Kennedy?

Yes, most of the NPP faithful, including me, had decided to present Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia as our flag bearer going into the election of 2024.

However, conditions have so changed that there is the need for a keen contest and whoever wins, will be supported by the party to represent them as their presidential candidate for election 2024.

Why then is Kennedy for the fact of presenting a formidable contest by way of his policies and programmes become an enemy? Is it because he can derail the majority dream of fielding Dr. Bawumia as the NPP flag bearer?

Mind you NPP guys, the person you are insulting and rejecting today, could take you by surprise to become the flag bearer of the party to win your election in 2024, in the similitude of the stone that the builder rejected becoming the head cornerstone.

Kennedy is equally presidential material like any of the candidates in the contest. His honesty, strictness, fairness and dedication to the service of Ghana and humanity, make him a presidential material. These qualities negate his insults.

Kennedy, please cut back all your insults to greatly enhance your chances of clenching the post you are vying for to eventually become the president of Ghana to nail lawlessness to the coffin by way of ensuring the strict enforcement of the laws.

I want to see a team comprising Kennedy Agyapong, Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, Dr. Kwabena Duffour and Dr. George Akuffo-Dampare (IGP) come to rule Ghana come January 2025.