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Opinions of Friday, 30 October 2015

Columnist: Mr. Bombs

The strange vodafone number

The above Vodafone number which I have captured in my caption appeared on my phone as an incoming call on Thursday 28th October, 2015 around 8:30am. I hurriedly ladled the phone from my pocket in the name of receiving the call. Little did I know that it was a BUFFOONISH call coming from one of the BUFFOONS from the camp of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). As a lad who has been baptized in PATIENCE, I sat in the comfort of my office chair and listened to him “word for word” and this is what ensued between myself and that caller
Caller: Are you Mr. Bombs?
Mr. Bombs: Yes sir.

Caller: Keep your big mouth shut and stop writing all those nonsense on ghanaweb. You people think you
can over ride Afoko. Let me tell you, we are behind him.
Mr. Bombs: But sir, I thought you called to advice me, why are you insulting me?

Caller: I did not insult you.
Mr. Bombs: I do not have a degree in literature but I don’t need anyone to explain to me that you’ve
insulted me.
Caller: [In a loud voice] Ok I’m sorry.
Mr. Bombs: Bye.
Folks, from the above conversation, will I be wrong if I say that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is fraudulent from birth? Taking a political party that is in government to the cleanness has not been my style so I try as much as I can to stay away from them but the funny thing is, the more I try, the more they come closer. I will describe what the “gentleman” did as stupidity at it’s APOGEE. In fact, it smacks in me some kind of deep seated “intellectual impotence”.
Mr. owner of the above Vodafone number, you stated in the conversation that you and the NDCs are behind Paul Afoko. I want to state categorically that, the NPPs have not deserted Aoko and that Afoko still remains a bonafide assert if you like, a bonafide property of the elephant fraternity.
“Di wo fie asem”, so goes the Akan adage. Have you people finish removing the logs in your eyes? A question which I am yet to get an answer to.
I overheard one of the babies with sharp teeth saying that, Afoko is a northner that’s why we got him suspended. If that is the case, then we might have as well suspended the Bawumias, the C.K.Tedams and the likes.
Comrades, information erupting from the head quarters of the New Patriotic Party indicates that, Afoko was invited on four different occasions to meet with the National Executive Committee (NEC) to amicably go down to the nitty-gritty of the internal wrangling but on each occasion, he failed.
Just like I stated in my previous article, NPP is older and bigger that Afoko so it will not take Afoko to strangulate the party to death.
Mr. buffoon from the camp of the NDC, with all due respect, be a man of vision, be an EPITOME of selfless ambition, eat and swallow your PRIDE and call me back. I am ever ready to pick up your call at all times.
I wanted to go to Adenta but due to some circumstances beyond my control, I have decided to alight at Madina.
God bless all my readers, God bless mother Ghana.
Mr. Bombs