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Opinions of Sunday, 20 November 2016

Columnist: Moses, Nana

The stupidity and childish politics in Asunafo South must stop.

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I don't really know what some of us want in this world all in the name of politics. Have you asked yourself about these questions?

The Candidate you're killing people for him to win elections, where is his family? Where is his sons and daughters? Are they schooling in the district or in the country? Are they campaigning for their parents or not? Are they killing people as you're doing? You live in poor and where your family lives are also insecurity but do you care about it? How many times have you questioned yourself about your children's education?

Can't we Asunafo south people be wise just a little? Did I say, we are not wise? Yes, I said. I remember my holidays in Ghana last year but what did I see? Our MP, DCE and Minister at that time rejected our young brothers and sisters who applied for financial aid and then gave it to Ashanti, Sunyani, Dormaa, etc. people's.

Why did I say MP, DCE and Minister? Simple because he was having these positions at that time. So, why are we fighting for these politicians who don't care for we the people in the district? Are we not stupid? Are we not mad? I know someone from Ashanti but lives in UK who the minister is paying for her school tuition but rejected our young brothers and sisters whose fees are just 1000 dollars. The stupidity and childish politics in our constituency is becoming too much and we must put stop to it. Remember this, it’s not about how big the house is. It's how happy the home is. Are we safe in the district? Are we happy in the district? Do we get jobs in the district? How many universities in the district? How many senior high schools in the district? How many hospitals we have in the district? Are all our roads in good shape? How many police stations do we have in the district? What about the education in the district? Let's think about these questions and find ways to solve these problems than killing, threatening, insults, etc. in the district.

I'm really in pains simple because we have some leaders who do not care for the people who voted for them but care for their girlfriends who live far away from the district. Hon. Minister, and all the politicians in the district should sit their supporters down. I promise you some politicians in the district that, if these things happen again then that means you want some of us to publish some of your nude stupid behavior out. I mean sleeping with our young ladies before offering them admission to nursing training. Have you asked yourself why Hillary Clinton lost the election? Don't let some of us publish some of your evil things out.