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Opinions of Monday, 18 April 2022

Columnist: Joe Allotey

The third force needed to win the 2024 election has been divided

Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane must form one cohesive front to win the 2024 election Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane must form one cohesive front to win the 2024 election

Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane must form one cohesive front to win the 2024 election

“United we stand, divided we fall”, and a conjoined body sharing one stomach shouldn’t fight over food. The two most promising intellectuals with the potential to win power from the evil twins (NPP/NDC) are in sunder but let’s remember that in life, if responsible parents separate, the children become orphans and bear severe consequences due to the parents’ actions.

The citizens of the country that have been blinded and misinformed for generations by the incompetent politicians are the ones that suffer, so are we for Ghana or is it all about self-interest?

After listening to both individuals and studying their visions and missions, it is obviously and undeniably extremely important, and also an immediate imperative action for the two most competent individuals like Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane to come together as a Third Force to take the mantle before the 2024 elections.

Ghanaians have gradually lost hope or trust in the current dominant two political parties (NPP/NDC) hence the need for independently-minded leadership is what the citizens are hoping to embrace in the next election, so the varied political ambitions of both individuals will help craft better policies for a better Ghana.

The majority carries the vote in a democratic election so coming together will unite the valuable followers of both individuals, and also boost their campaign to take off in a timely manner since all aspects of their campaign will be coordinated as one front.

Furthermore, our nation Ghana has continually been losing intellectuals due to hasty policies by previous and current administrations, and there is a need to mitigate the economic instability in our country by doing away with the established kakistocracy in the system.

In all the regions in our nation Ghana, there are echoes of the hope for a competent Third Force to defeat the incompetent NPP/NDC because they are birds of the same feathers.

We may ask ourselves why Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane should form an alliance. First of all, “Two heads are better than one”. With the current devastating situation of our state, we need Leaders that have passion for the state of Ghana and are ready to sacrifice for the benefit of the citizens and so looking at their backgrounds and just to mention a few, Kofi Gane once served as Co-Audit Senior role at the Ghana Commercial Bank, and also served as a Feasibility Studies Consultant for the potential revival of the Pwalugu Tomato factory, and also with the Benso Oil Plantation.

Kofi Koranteng was once the CEO of an organization that brought a lawsuit to implement Act 669, also known as the Representation of People Amendment Act (ROPAA) in Ghana, and he also has a solid background in Engineering and Entrepreneurship which puts him a top analyst who executes processes and judgment enforcing.

The above few comments are very passionate attributes about Kofi K and Kofi G.

Our democracy in Ghana has become a recuring business run by few government officials and that can only be demolished by a competent Third Force led by Both Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane so coming together and doing away with self-interest, disunity and bitterness and focusing on national interest to bring some Meritocracy, Unity, and respect into governance is needed to bring into fruition any objectives since both individuals have similar strong visions and missions for Ghana.

How the two come together is first to set aside their differences and put aside conflicts of the past for the benefit of our country Ghana, to start together consultations with experts and key political actors, and to remind themselves of the Hope the Youth of Ghana today has in both of them to eliminate the evil twins NDC/NPP. The Youth’s hope and faith are in both Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane not only one of them but both.

New Ghana Agenda is the trend of today and since it favors the visions and missions of both candidates, there are therefore uncountable benefits in the coming together of the two most favorable candidates in the coming 2024 presidential elections and the two are Kofi Koranteng and Kofi Gane for a better Ghana. Coming together will boost their joint funds soliciting to rise to the exponentials because of their popularity.

Their unity will also unite all Ghanaians that are disappointed in the current two dominant parties (NPP/NDC) including enhancing Youth empowerment today to form one gigantic Third Front to vote out the evil twins (NPP/NDC) that have ransacked the Ghanian economy for decades.

There will be flawless success in long-term short-term planning due to the similarity in their visions and missions, and their alliance will define huge tolerance traits in government when they come to power as it is very much needed to run the nation.

The citizens and the Youth of Ghana will be content and will not have the desire for any uprising or confidence in any other aspirants because every other leader from the NPP/NDC era has been selfish.

Last but not the least, their alliance will help streamline the policies and strategies of both individuals to meet and satisfy a better Ghana National Standard.

This is what we prescribe as a Youth group called Gold Coast Reformed Alliance (GCRA), Patriots of our beloved nation Ghana.