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Opinions of Friday, 28 April 2023

Columnist: Iddi Adam Osman

The tribal and religious scar on the NPP: Some NPP bigwigs trying to give credence to it

New Patriotic Party (NPP) flag New Patriotic Party (NPP) flag

The New Patriotic Party(NPP) as a political party and political tradition that is considered the noblest and oldest political tradition in Ghana is an offshoot of the United Gold Coast Convention, the first political party formed in Ghana in 1947 to press on the colonial masters to grant political and economic independence to Ghana then referred to as Gold Coast.

Though the NPP as a political party was officially formed in July 1992 in the wake of the birth of the fourth republic, the political tradition which is described as the Danquah- Busia- Dombo tradition has existed since the days of the struggle for independence.

That is, it has metamorphosed from United Gold Coast Convention( UGCC) from its beginning to Ghana Congress Party( GCP), National Liberation Movement( NLM), United Party( UP), Progress Party( PP), Popular Front Party( PFP), All People's Party(APP) and now New Patriotic Party(NPP). In all of this metamorphosis, the political ideology(center-right) and the personalities associated with this political tradition remained intact.

The NPP has grown from strength to strength and played a vital role in institutionalizing, developing, and shaping democracy in Ghana. It has penetrated regions and constituencies where it was seen as taboo for one to belong to the New Patriotic Party. Despite the strides made by the NPP as a political tradition in terms of increase in membership, its monumental growth has however been limited in some areas of Ghana to a larger extent by a negative misconception and tag its political adversaries have smeared it with.

The political detractors and adversaries of the NPP in their fervent attempt to stop it from spreading to every nook and cranny of Ghana that will make it clinch to political power for long a time succeeded in inciting some tribes against the NPP. Such political detractors of the NPP capitalized on the growing numbers of the people of the Akan ethnic group and Christians at the forefront of the activities and leadership position of the party and labeled it as an "Akan Party".

They have also made good use of the inability of a non-Akan to ever lead the party as its flagbearer despite several attempts to drum home their assertion that the NPP is a party that does not and will not allow any non-Akan or Muslim to lead it as its flagbearer despite his or her competence and merits. Through this propaganda spree churned out by the detractors of the NPP, the party is finding it challenging to make significant strides in some regions and among the Muslim community in Ghana.

Strategically, the arch-political opponents of the NPP, that is, the NDC continue trumpeting the message to enjoy the support of the Settler communities also known as Zongos,(where the majority are Muslims), the five Northern regions, Ga- Adangbe communities, Ewes, Krobos, Nzemas, Ahantas, etc. The NDC is very much aware that the day all Ghanaians will do away with tribal-based politics and vote on issues, the NDC's political obituary will be written, hence their attempt to keep it on.

Realizing the party's deficiency in penetrating the Muslim communities and Northern Ghana, the party in every presidential election in the fourth republic except for the 1996 elections has partnered a Muslim/ Northerner running mate with a Christian/Akan flagbearer and even created an organizing unit within the executive board of the party( NASARA COORDINATOR) from constituency level to national all in an attempt to dispel the erroneous impression by many Ghanaians that the NPP treat all other tribes in the party except the Akans as second fiddles.

Anytime the NPP capture political power, it rolls out policies deliberately targeted at ameliorating the conditions of the Zongos and Northern Ghana that will make the party attractive to them.

It is worth noting that in all these attempts by the party to gain maximum support in its challenging areas, the chances of the NPP keep dimming in the Zongos and Northern Ghana because of some unfortunate utterances and actions, and inactions of some big guns of the party.

However, it seems the NPP has not learned its lessons and keeps repeating the same utterances and actions that are foiling its efforts. The NPP has not taken cognizance of the fact that the NDC is taking note of the unfortunate comments they are making against some presidential aspirants because of their geographical and religious backgrounds and will bounce them back on the party in the general elections.

It was shocking and disturbing to hear the director of operations of Mr. Alan Kyeremateng's campaign for 2024, Mr. Hopeson Adornye state without mincing words in Kumasi during a health walk to galvanize support for Mr. Alan that the Northerners in NPP who represent the Dombo side of the tradition are only fit for running mates in the party.

Mr. E. G. Buckman, a columnist and a close ally of Mr. Alan Kyeremanteng opines in a published opinion that Dr. Bawumia cannot become a president in Ghana because he is a Northerner and a Muslim. Another lead campaigner for Mr. Alan who is the Eastern regional campaign coordinator also spoke in the same tone by calling on NPP delegates to reject the candidature of Dr. Bawumia because he is a Northerner and a Muslim.

The Eastern regional campaign coordinator for Mr. Alan, Mr. Samuel Ayeh Paye corroborated this stance by presenting to delegates in the Ashanti region that they should massively vote against Dr. Bawumia as a presidential aspirant of the NPP because he is a Muslim and a Northerner and that Muslims are a minority in the country and cannot superintend over over Christians who are the majority.

As a lead campaigner for any of the aspirants, you should be cognizant of the fact that your words will become an arsenal for the NDC in the 2024 presidential elections. You may hate Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu for whatever reason. You may criticize him for any reason but to call on delegates to reject his candidature just because of his religion or geographical location of his origin is not right. Such statements go to confirm the vile propaganda of the NDC against the NPP that it is a party that treats Muslims, Northerners, Ewes, Gas, Krobos, etc as second fiddles.

It is important to note that there are several of those uncivilized comments made by senior fellows of the party that the NDC still re-echoes in every general election and we should not add more to that. As an NPP person who sees your political success and fortunes tied to the survival of any of the presidential candidates, you are right in championing his cause. But to make it a point to destructively criticize Dr. Bawumia to satisfy your paymaster is certainly not right.