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Opinions of Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Columnist: Kofi Anokye

The trinity of human right in our democratic dispensation

LGBTQ+ act is not acceptable in most African countries LGBTQ+ act is not acceptable in most African countries

In my estimation, our understanding of what constitutes human rights as a people has an important missing piece that needs a critical look at. The current dispensation overlooks a fundamental aspect of human rights I will like to call: THE RIGHT OF THE NATION as a third human.

My right, your right, and the right of the nation Ghana should be the three recognized human rights in any conversation aimed at advancing and protecting individuals’ rights and dignity. Ghana is a person, we call her “Mother GHANA “. This mother feeds, protects her children, and hosts children of other parents as though hers.

If we recognize the nation as a person who has rights and appreciates the fact that her right needs our collective effort to protect, we will have a greater interest in not only safeguarding it but also take decisions by first considering its far-reaching consequence on all who derive their identity from this lovely mother.

If we come to this level of understanding that a nation is a person and thus the third human being we need to protect, love, and recognize all of her rights, then we can guard our actions and inactions so it will continue to exit and grow both in strength, wisdom, and prosperity.

Unfortunately, the definition of our human rights does not include the rights of the Nations in which we live.

We have refused to think and come to the knowledge that the Nation Ghana is a person with a soul like we do, that when we miss our way and want to return to default, it is the proper appreciation of what the nation represents that would serve as a guide.

When we disagree on which way to go, it is based on such knowledge that we will find the proper premise to define our right in a changing world that is chattering dangerous waters in pursuance of boundless rights regardless of their broader impact on our very existence.

We will have nowhere to stand to define our human rights when the nation which helped to promulgate our human rights laws is not recognized as a person with her right.

Because of this, I think before you think of your right, ensure that the two other rights are intact and will not be affected by your actions and inactions so far as the enjoyment of your rights is concerned.

Call it the TRINITY OF HUMAN RIGHTS. It’s YOUR right MY right and the right of the NATION.

Relating this principle to the discussion on LGBTQI+, it is obvious that the two may not be necessarily affected but the third which is the nation will suffer.
It will suffer in the sense that their activities will curtail the reproduction line of the third Human being which is the NATION.

I will not talk about the diseases which the nation will have to deal with because the medical implication of such uncontrolled exercise of limitless expression of what people want to call their sexuality poses are documented and available to all who want to know.

It is obvious that if all the human race decides to go into the LGBTQI+ then in a matter of say hundred years from now, all HUMANS will die because reproduction will cease.

If this argument is illogical to you, that’s fine, if you do agree, then let’s say NO to this LGBTQI+ in the interest of the third person whose right we seem to overlook and whose right when protected, will ensure that our identity as a people is not exchanged for what is alien to us in the name of globalization. Every nation can approach the world in its uniqueness, we don’t need to adopt every foreign lifestyle to belong.

Mother Ghana has an identity that makes her stand out on the global stage, it is her fundamental right that this identity be protected

Mother Ghana in this competitive world needs to keep her production line active for more talent to be born, LGBTI+ and their activities threaten this growth and we must kick against it.

Yes, we have a nation to save and that should be prioritized over every individual’s preference, especially when such preference is in the minority. Do it in your bedroom if you can’t stop it, it should not be advertised as a wholesale new cool because it will work against the RIGHTS OF THE NATION by attempting to curtail its reproductive cycle. This is why those found need to be arrested and prosecuted.

Accepting LGBTQI+ is akin to agreeing that all fishes in the sea stop reproduction, the long-term effect is that with time, we won’t have fishes to eat anymore.

If all plants are to stop pollinating and every means of reproduction should cease, we will all die because when males marry males and females marry females, then the human race is on the broadway to extinction. This applies to every living thing that reproduces.

In this world nothing exists for or by itself, we are interconnected in many ways that we need each other. LGBTQI+ is too individualistic and detrimental to our collective existence that we cannot accept it.

It’s cannot be natural nor a new normal, it’s a problem of just a few and hence the objective should be to find help for such people instead of making it look like a normal phenomenon worthy of general acceptance.

To those at the heart of this advocacy, what will be the ultimate benefit to the nation should we accept LGBTQI+ as an acceptable standard of living within our society?

We have to think and use the TRINITY OF HUMAN RIGHT as a guide in our determination of what passes as an enjoyable right in our nation.

How do we determine the right of the nation?

The right of the nation is determined by the choice of the majority of the people. The people make the nation, when the majority shows the way, that is where we go.

In conclusion, I am advising those involved in the LGBTQI+ Bill to give their all in the realization of this law as soon as possible because it lies in our interest and in the interest of the third realm of humanity which is the NATION that such a sane decision is taken.

This is the best time because voices of conscience will be silenced with time, it will be more difficult for people to speak up if this window of opportunity is made to go without us seizing the moment.

The goal has always been to intimidate those who oppose it and force them into submission, it would get worse, this is the time.

As I think about my right and as you also think about your right, collectively, we have to think about the right of the one mother we share: MOTHER GHANA.

She is a person and with a soul, she says no to LGBTQI+

Stay safe all.