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Opinions of Thursday, 23 June 2016

Columnist: Counselor Frank Adofoli

The ungrateful husband

Counsellor Frank Adofoli Counsellor Frank Adofoli

People have cited various reasons why they don't want to get married to a poor man, and one was due to how a couple of poor men become rich and leave their wives for someone new.

The problem was not because you married a poor man but rather a man with a poor heart; the ungrateful man.

Almost every week, I get clients with such issues. The question young, unmarried women are asking now is “is it worth it marrying a man who is broke? If you are a man, please listen to me, if any woman can agree to your present condition, abandon all other riches for you, reject all other men just to be with you, suffer with you when you don't have what to eat, believe in you, stand by you, sacrifice the little she has for you, then the least you can do is to honor her; for one good turn deserves another.

If someone sticks by your side through your worst times, they are the ones who deserve to be with you in your best times. Why ask her to leave when she got married to you not because of what you had but because of what she felt for you? Your possessions had nothing to do with it.

It's my prayer God will teach us to have Christ-centered relationships, to be patient with one another, to love as He loves and to freely give as He gives.

For single men who are yet to marry, please and please again, take a good look at your prospective mother in-law; your wife is likely to be like her in the next 10 - 20years. Ask yourself if you are okay with those looks before you marry her.

For those who have abandoned your wives because they gave birth and lost their original physique or figure, shame on you. She lost her pretty body to have your kids, the product of your love. So why don't you honour her instead.

You should always have in your mind that you are married to the most beautiful woman on earth, and when she is ninety-nine years, she will still be the most beautiful woman on earth. Never compare her to another woman. Don't compare your wives body to any woman who has not paid the price to bear your children.

The bible says "The man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord" - Proverbs 18:22 (TLB). Your wife is a blessing to your life, too valuable be traded. You should never trade what God placed in your life for anything this world offers you.

Watch out for the UNGRATEFUL WIFE.

In conclusion "If you repay good with evil, evil will never leave your house" - Proverbs 17:13 (NLT).