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Opinions of Sunday, 19 June 2022

Columnist: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah

The unique dad: Let the fathers be fathers

Father's Day is celebrated every June 19 Father's Day is celebrated every June 19

I have been prompted to revisit the topic: Let the fathers be fathers by a frantic discussion with some Ghanaian mothers at a recent community function in Toronto.

The Holy Book says, “And l will be a father to you….” Have you ever heard of the say, LET GOD BE GOD? Well, if you ignore God in your life then you are denying your creator His rightful place in your life! Think about that.

On every June 19, Father's Day is celebrated. Such a day is dedicated to fathers in our lives.

The serious distractions to successful parenting by fathers among other family issues in our Ghanaian community call for attention. These include, among others, unsupportive attitude toward fathers by some mothers and the overtly out-of-Ghanaian cultural values cum ‘I don’t care-ism’ of some children towards their fathers, especially in the western world. All the same, these ought not to take away the focus of fathers to be the unique daddies they ought to be.

Fathers & Families

Unfortunately, families nowadays are so busy and burdened that each family member ends up going their own way. When do family members spend quality time together? Father hooked to the TV or the computer; mother on the phone; and children left with video games!

Fathers, undoubtedly, are the heads of their families (my apologies to single mothers whose roles are equal to that of fathers and even beyond). This doesn’t mean that fathers have the right to boss everyone around! As rightly pointed out, ‘being the head of the family is about being a leader not a dictator. Self-discipline is key to good fatherhood! For, ‘if a father is a good and just person and, treats everyone with respect then he is a unique dad to his children.’

Father's role in parenting

So much has been said and written about the role of the father in parenting. Prominent among the discussion include:

- The father as a role model: fathers are obviously the first role models to their children whether they realize it or not. For example, a girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by boys. Sons also learn their first important lessons in life from their fathers.

-Fathers must spend quality time with their children. Children feel neglected when their fathers appear always too busy to have time for them. Spending time with your kids at sporting activities and on tours bring fathers closer to their children.

-Fathers must respect their children’s mothers. That is one of the best things a father can do for his children. Even if a father is no longer married to his children’s mother, it is still important to respect and support the mother of your children. By so doing, your children are more likely to feel that they are also accepted and respected by their father.

-Lastly, fathers must discipline their children with love.

Fathers need the unflinching support of their wives or mothers of their children in their role of parenting. Let the fathers be fathers and we will see ‘unique dads’ in our community.

Happy Father’s Day.