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Opinions of Friday, 27 January 2023

Columnist: Isurabil Zakaria

The unjust removal of Haruna Iddrisu: A blow to effective representation

Former Minority Leader in Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu Former Minority Leader in Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu

The recent removal of Hon. Haruna Iddrisu as Minority Leader in Ghana's Parliament is a travesty of justice and a severe blow to the ability of the minority to effectively represent the interests of their constituents.

The decision to remove Hon. Iddrisu was not only unjust, but it was also politically motivated and based on a gross misrepresentation of his abilities.

Hon. Iddrisu is widely considered to be one of the most effective and respected parliamentarians in Ghana. He is a leader who has consistently advocated for the minority's interests and held the majority party accountable. He has been a vocal critic of the majority party, highlighting their shortcomings and holding them to account for their actions.

Furthermore, Hon. Iddrisu has a track record of success in his tenure as minority leader. He has pushed for transparency and good governance; worked to ensure that the minority's voices were heard and has been a strong advocate for the minority's interests.

His knowledge, experience and ability to effectively coordinate and mobilize the minority caucus is unmatched and his removal will undoubtedly be a significant loss to the group. It is a clear indication that some members of the minority caucus have a different agenda than the interest of their constituents.

It is not only unjust but also detrimental to the minority's ability to effectively represent the interests of their constituents. He has been a strong and effective leader who has consistently advocated for the minority's interests and held the majority party accountable. The decision to remove him is a clear indication that some members of the minority caucus have a different agenda than the interest of their constituents.

It is crucial that the minority caucus reinstates Hon. Iddrisu as their leader immediately. The minority caucus must come together and present a united front in opposition to the majority party in order to effectively represent the interests of their constituents. And Hon. Iddrisu is the only leader who has the ability and willingness to do so.

In conclusion, Hon. Haruna Iddrisu is a leader who is respected and accomplished parliamentarian, with a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the issues facing Ghana.

His removal is unjust and detrimental to the minority's ability to effectively represent the interests of their constituents. The minority caucus must reinstate him as their leader immediately.

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