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Opinions of Monday, 8 October 2012

Columnist: Ali, Justice

The utmost ineffective and incompetent DCE

The utmost ineffective and incompetent DCE as the natural evil in Ghanaian Politics (Alijata Sulemain)

My brothers and Sisters, Fathers and Mothers, colleagues young democrats in NDC, I do not underestimate the challenges we face in trying to achieve these goals, specifically since many of you do not want incompetent politicians to embody us in parliament, because of the many broken promises and cannot bring development to our dear district. I want you, the Sissala east people in NDC not to give her (Alijata Sulemani) the opportunity to serve us in bias way. I want you to trust me .I am no stranger to you. I have stood with you all my adult life, fighting for our individual and collective rights. I am proud of what we as young democrats have so far achieved in politics and civil rights. The next struggle is for economic progress, transforming our district for opportunities and prosperity for us all, regardless of the circumstances of our birth. I am strong in my conviction and confident that we can do it.
I know we are capable. Lets us be strong and courageous and Vote against the nefarious and incompetent Alijata Sulemeni for total transformation of our dear district. Insider information indicates that the natural evil in politics (Alijata Sulemani) is gallivanting to communities using the massive rural electrification as her campaign massage so that the electorate will vote for her to represent us in parliament. I certainly have no doubt in my mind that most young democrats will honestly educate the electorate or the public voters about the kind of human being she is and is not worthy voting for to embody us in parliament. I have been in mental coma ever since I heard about the primaries results that this incompetent and utmost ineffective DCE have be voted for to be our NDC parliamentary candidate, I asked myself it is that all they men who mistakenly voted for her have ever shared the same bed with her or what? Again I wonder why Almighty Allah have decided to curse us the NDC people by letting our delegates lose their cognizant and elected her as NDC parliamentary candidate.
In fact, in my candid opinion and advise to all young democrats and well meaningful NDC people who have the district development at heart should not let us follow our political ideology and make a mistake to let her be our MP. It will be a catastrophe or mishap if a mistake is made to let her embody us in parliament, she cannot do anything to development our district. As a DCE, I asked to be told what she has done so far to even be our DCE up to date without any terrorization or bully. I have noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born if not she deserved not to be on this earth because her parents are aware of her being devil and evil if she is brought unto the earth and such a being should not be voted for to embody us in parliament. It's a divisive tactic that the delegates have done and that’s insulting to us all as young democrats and well meaningful NDC members to let their choice of Candidacy work or embody us in parliament. If my memory served me right His ex- Excellency J.J Rawlings told our president His excellency John Dramani Mahama or we all as democrats should do away with babies with sharp teeth and Alijata Sulemani is one of the babies His Excellency J. J Rawlings as the founder of our beloved Party called for.
Politics in Ghana can sometimes be funny and interesting when you want to speak out you mind and truth but nothing else some people turn to hate you for airing out the ultimate truth because of their ulterior motive in politics. My brothers and sisters, you would not believe that the founder of Sissala East NDC podium Mr. Mufty Fassasi and that of many others have blocked me just what of i said and the phraseology i used to describe our reprehensible or nefarious and the most incompetent libido DCE who happen to be NDC parliamentary candidate and for that matter such a being is not worthy voting for to symbolize us in parliament. I was born the voice
Of the voiceless to speak the truth but nothing else on this earth so the truth shall be my salivation and it will set me free. In fact, as young democrats who actually have the district development at heart should not overwhelm or engulf any incompetent leader in our party. The obvious question i always asked all young democrats and all well meaningful in NDC, if my party decides to put a goat down and puts NDC around its neck, should we vote for that goat because of political ideology? That is why God has given us independent head and faculty to think and live with those consequences of our actions and inactions. Let us begin to vote for candidates based on their capacity and integrity and not on party lines. We have to live above those parochial, naive positions and do the right things in the interest of our district