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Opinions of Monday, 3 June 2013

Columnist: Abubakari, Zenabu

The voice of Dadgon in the diaspora

This is really a brand new day in the history of Dadgon and we are privileged to witness what we have been waiting for over a long time, is eventually showing a beaming light. Indeed your bloods all around the world are rejoicing over the caption in the news papers “The Adanis and Abudus of Dabgon gate agreed to settle dispute”.

The pronouncement has gladdened the hearts of all manner of living souls especially we the people abroad and breathing a sigh of big relief. A few weeks passed representatives of the Abudu and Andani Royal gates in the Dagbon Traditional area have indicated their readiness to settle amicably the protracted Yendi skin dispute between them.

In sincerity this monumental resolution would indeed greatly soothes the nerves of all seemingly worried citizens of Dagbon around the globe and Ghana in its entirety.

Having recognised that unity, peace and oneness are the only conduits of development in this contemporary world, we should all be happy and encourage the move for achieving the landmark of perfect peace we are all longing and desiring for our ones admired traditional area.

We should all celebrate this moment and salute our leaders for acknowledging the fact that development of the area may only come if the people live in harmony and co-exist with agreement in a broader spectrum. Indeed every thousand mile journey begins with a step and so this eminent resolution sparks hope from the horizon to the people of Dadgon and the country at large.

As indicated by the Minister, His Excellency President Mahama is a peace loving person and would ensure that all needed structures and mechanism required by our leadership from both sides to restore Dadgon to its former glory would be provided. The administration would strive to see the skins “swim in a common river of peace”.

Our leadership is therefore entreated as started to continue to create the most needed congenial environment for the government to bring its plans to fruition for the common good of the people of Dadgon.

We are yearning and praying to see our cherished traditional area takes its rightful place in the Chieftaincy settings in the country, providing beacon of hope to its citizenry.

May God bless Ghana