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Opinions of Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Columnist: Rooney Gyamfi

The way I see Ghana

President John Mahama President John Mahama

To be honest, it saddens me when I go to town and see the poor communities call themselves supporters of the New Democratic Party (NDC). It’s sad that they think the little bribes that the government of Ghana gives them during their campaign will be enough to last them for even one month.

It’s none of my business but it’s very irritating to continue to tolerate such appalling behaviour from the incompetent president we have had for the past 4 years.

I won’t blame the government for this because it’s the same government that formal President John Evans Atta Mills had under control and during this term of service we didn’t have the problems like we do now.

Politics is really my interesting. In fact, I hate politics but this is something I have keeping in myself for several months and not saying wrecking me apart. Of course the big men among the NDC will come out and talk trash against opposition parties and talk trash because they are just as corrupt as the president and his current government.

If the president really cared that much about this country, he would know how much of a mess he has made thus he wouldn’t campaign.

Recently I browsed and I saw an article comparing President Mahama to Donald Trump. I assumed they didn’t know who Donald Trump really is, so I ignored the article.

President Mahama is more like Hillary Clinton; he is a liar and just as corrupt as her. I am not here to campaign for the NPP, I would rather have PPP as my government but the NPP seems to be the only hope at this moment.

I’m just going to point this out to President Mahama and his government: If NPP wins, that’ll be the end of the party (NDC) because in the next election which is to come in 2020, the party will be like Akua Donkoh’s party.