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Opinions of Friday, 26 November 2010

Columnist: NPP

There Goes Kwesi Pratt With His “Beer Bar” Arguments


Kwesi Pratt is a self-proclaimed socialist. We do not blame him for that, he
obviously knows no better. He knows not that even the champions of socialism
have now ‘seen the light,’ privatized much of their economic system, and are
reaping immense benefits as a result. What Kwesi Pratt may be guilty of is his
alleged frequent visits to a popular beer bar in Accra, not to drink, but to
test his arguments before he hits the airwaves the following day.

It is no wonder that most of his arguments are full of sound and fury signifying
nothing. Until we decide to clean up Ghana’s airwaves irresponsible commentary
will persist. Kwesi Pratt has for far too long subjected Ghanaians to “beer bar”
arguments on radio, thinking he is impressing somebody. Let the record state
that we members of NPP-USA are not the least bit impressed.

NPP-USA could have decided not to respond to the tired tirade of a self
proclaimed socialist, but with history as our guide, we are acutely reminded
that this anti American rant was fashionable in the 1970’s; but when the self
proclaimed socialists took Ghana for a ride for almost two decades, these same
apostles of socialism sold state assets to themselves and pocketed the “common
man’s” money. Now the self-proclaimed socialists are filthy rich in our society
and the masses continue to wallow in poverty. As Kwesi Pratt continues to
deceive Ghanaians as the champion of the “common man”, we will not relent in our
efforts to expose his wanton deception clothed in unworkable ‘window dressing’
socialist ideas.

In trying to substantiate his lies, Kwesi Pratt presents even more absurd
arguments in his response.. He writes, “as a fact between 1984 and 1994, Ghana
spent in excess of $300 million on data acquisition and related projects. KOSMOS
was itself attracted to Ghana after the data had been made available to it.”
That may be true, but the fact is GNPC has accused Kosmos Energy of showing 3D
seismic data, not information gathered by the Russians or the Romanians 100
years ago, to third parties without prior approval. And the 3D seismic data was
gathered at Kosmos’ expense, not Ghana’s. That is the fact. In addition, 3D
seismic gathering technology is less than ten years old so Kosmos could not have
compromised information gathered 100 years ago. That means if Kwesi Pratt
asserts that Kosmos Energy gave away for free information that Ghana paid $300
million to collect over 100 years ago, he is either blatantly lying, or he does
not have the accurate information. Either way he does not belong on Ghana’s

The truth must be told that we as members of NPP-USA cede no inch of ground to
anyone when it comes to patriotism and the protection of Ghana’s interest. One
thing we shall not do is peddle false information. This is even more critical if
the ‘misinformation’ . projects mother Ghana negatively. The age-old “penny
wise pound foolish” adage characterizes the path Kwesi Pratt appears adamant at
following. He is peddling blatant falsehoods to seemingly ‘win arguments’ to
look good and save what amounts to relative pennies today while compromising
Ghana’s investment future for decades to come. With today’s global village of
which Ghana is a part, arguments such as those by Kwesi Pratt cloaked in red,
gold, and green are nothing but myopic perspectives that make a fake radio star
out of a “beer bar” debater, but which severely damages Ghana’s future

Next, Kwesi Pratt suggests that establishment of a military base is an American
tool used to control other countries’ resources. If that is true, then the
United States controls the resources of Saudi Arabia, which in fact directly or
indirectly controls almost three-eights of the American economy; Japan, which
holds trade surplus over America; Germany, which is an economic power house;
South Korea, which went from Third World status to a developed country; and a
host of many other prospering nations that host American military bases. If, in
spite of these examples, Kwesi Pratt is telling Ghanaians that the United States
seeks to kill us and take control of our oil with a military base, is he then
telling us that America will succeed in Ghana when it failed elsewhere? Is he
underrating the intelligence levels of Ghanaians?

Kwesi Pratt makes one argument that probably is the most spurious of all. He
writes: “The USA branch of the NPP demands that the Ghana Police Service should
pick me up and put me before court for daring to speak out against US
interference in the management of our oil resources. Interestingly this is the
same branch of the NPP which screamed loudly against the arrest and prosecution
of Nana Darkwa for claiming that former President Rawlings burnt his own house.
They claimed that the arrest of Nana Darkwa was a violation of his right of free
speech. However their commitment to the right of free speech evaporates into
thin air when the subject of criticism happens to be the Almighty United States
of America.”

First, our argument was made in adherence to the
“what-is-good-for-the-goose-is-also-good-for-the-gander” adage. NPP-USA remains
committed to the concept of free speech. This NDC administration has, however
coined a term known as “causing fear and panic” by which it prosecutes political
opponents who indulge in freedom of speech. Thus, if that is the standard for
prosecution in our country, we merely argued that Kwesi Pratt’s suggestion that
America wants to kill us for our oil has more of a potential to cause “fear and
panic” than anything said by an NPP member for which this out-of-control NDC
government has initiated prosecution. If this simple argument went over Kwesi
Pratt’s head, we render no apologies.

Kwesi Pratt’s speculative rants continued with the intimation that “the loudest
supporter of the KOSMOS – EXXON deal has been Mr. K.T. Hammond, former NPP
Deputy Minister of Energy who has acted as the party spokesperson on Energy in
many instances.” Could it be that Honorable K.T. Hammond knows more about energy
matters and the global ramifications of our ultra protectionist stances than
Kwesi? At any rate, are we to believe that K.T. Hammond’s support for the
Kosmos/ExxonMobil deal represents an official NPP position but NDC Chairman’s
“many ways of killing the cat” statement about members of Ghana’s Judiciary does
not represent an official NDC position?

The “beer bar” debater continues: “As at today, Ghana gets only five per cent of
the total value of gold it exports.” If that is true, who is to blame – NPP that
has ruled for eight years, or the PNDC/NDC that has ruled for the remaining 21
of the past 29 years? May be the NDC should not then rule Ghana beyond 2012.

In 2012, Ghanaians will have a “crossroads” type of decision to make. Close
Ghana off to the rest of the democratic and open market world and join forces
with closed and socialists societies such as North Korea, or open our dear
nation up to the world of challenges and opportunities available to openness and
competition. We have one city to guide us – a city called Berlin. At the
conclusion of World War Two, Berlin was split up. One half went to the former
Soviet Union and the other half went to open market proponents France, United
Kingdom, and the United States.

Not long afterwards, they had to build a wall to keep those trapped in East
Berlin to prevent them from crossing to the west. The dilapidation in East
Berlin became a symbol of socialism and protectionism, which was a sharp
contrast to the vibrant and upbeat West Berlin. The current socialist and
protectionist path that Kwesi Pratt and this woefully inept NDC administration
is pursuing will invariably lead Ghana to a path similar to the former East
Berlin that fell decades behind her twin West Berlin, should Ghanaians fall for
it. Some of us will never allow this dilapidation to occur in Mother Ghana.
NPP-USA will stand in the way of this NDC government and this “beer bar“ debater
with every fiber of our collective bodies.