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Opinions of Sunday, 19 June 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

There is too much religion, too much confusion, too much crime

Holy Book for Christians Holy Book for Christians

If we must discuss religion, the first two that come to mind are Christianity and Islam, because biblical history reveals how Christianity came to be, as well as a clear account of Muslims as Ishmael's descendants. Why are there so many religions now if there is only one God?

Too much religion, in my opinion, is to blame for religious ambiguity as well as a slew of atrocities that continue to disrupt man's peace and crimes against humanity today. Despite the misinterpretations of the Koran, Islam will always be Islam.

However, the prevalence of human freedom in Christianity has resulted in the emergence of numerous religions. Even though the bible is one book that has been translated into multiple copies to make it easier to read, the number of churches around the world is endless, each with its own teaching.

There is far too much religion, ambiguity, and criminality in the world today. It's no secret that too much religion has resulted in a great deal of confusion and criminality. "The living know that they will die," the bible says, "but the dead know nothing; they have no future reward, and even their names are forgotten."

A religious sect is known as the Mormons – Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – however, baptizes death. Relatives can baptize on the behalf of those who have not had the opportunity to be baptized, according to the Mormons. Does that make sense to you? How can the dead be baptized since the bible says they have no knowledge?

Religion has caused so much confusion that many people no longer trust in God, especially because men of God or pastors are doing the exact opposite of what the bible says. What is a Christian's reaction when he or she sees a clergyman conducting a gay marriage?

This individual, who has spent his entire life as a devout Christian, understands that homosexuality is against God's commandment, but the pastor, who wants to see him obey God's mandate, will come out and tell him that it's alright to have sex with a man. That isn't typical.

In every region of the world, including the Vatican City, Christianity has become a breeding ground for crime. Pastors sexually abuse young boys and commit horrible crimes that will astound you that a man of God can conduct such atrocities. Due to the increasing growth of religious organizations, many are in competition with one another.

Since one church believes it is better than the others, there has been religious violence, which has harmed believers. Religion's very existence suggests two things: first, that we are spiritual beings. So, since God is a spirit, we must worship Him in the spirit, according to our faith, to make the world a better place.