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Opinions of Monday, 30 March 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

This Does Not Add UP – Oh Supposed Asante Overlord

After many years of resolute determination to divulge the purported hidden history of Kumawu, amid accusations of being unjustifiably vitriolic, disrespectful of authority, especially towards Asantehene and Asante traditions, custom and usages, I was contemplating on declaring a unilateral truce. I think more than enough history about Kumawu, Kumasi and Asantehene, to convince the doubting-Thomases about the status and eminence of each of them within Asanteman has been already placed in the public domain in the wake of the Kumawu stool dispute.

There is a historic saying, factual of course, among the elders of Kumawu that, "It is when you want to reveal the history of the origin of Kumawu that you tell the history of Kumasi and the vice versa". The history of Kumawu and Kumasi are intertwined. You cannot tell the history of one without automatically revealing that of the other.

It has been proved in my publications that no Asantehene since the formation (300 years ago), dissolution (in 1896) and reformation (in 1935), of the Asante Confederacy, has the mandate to meddle in the chieftaincy affairs of Kumawu, let alone, dubiously imposing the person of their choice on Kumawu as her paramount chief (Omanhene).

Many a Ghanaian is suspicious about Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II's public denial of having ever had libidinous relationship with Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah. The allegations had been made incessantly over the years, and since the demise of Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II, the Omanhene of Kumawu. His refutation of his alleged extra marital affairs with her, coming out now, Friday 27 March 2015, on the heels of the rumoured death of Kumawuhemaa, sends people's minds on a wild-goose chase. It seems to confirm the reality of the rumour. If not, why had he not come out to officially deny it many years ago but now? See the website link below:

Additionally, as some Kumawuman people had truthful information about her illness, the locations she had or has been staying or shuttling between in search of treatment, and the persons her attendants have been contacting with the view of soliciting their spiritual healing powers for her, an Ankaase person is telling a different story. On Wednesday 25 March 2015, when the rumour gained momentum and frequency, an Ankaase family member tried desperately to hush all up. He said, "Nanahemaa has just landed at Kotoka airport, coming from abroad (Canada)".

These two statements from the above-mentioned persons raise eyebrows. They are otherwise giving credence to the rumours, confirming that Kumawhemaa has indeed kicked the bucket.

Anyway, it is said, "If your mum is dead and you say she is asleep, fine. We shall see if she will wake up"

Let me add this final point. One Esther, who is either a sympathiser of Asantehene or a family member of his, and again belongs to NPP with probable allegiance to Alan Cash, went to a Kumasi radio station on Wednesday 25 March 2015 to air her views. She said, "There is someone who has over the years been slandering Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II on the internet. He has been lying about Otumfuo; tarnishing his reputation, causing him grief and sleepless nights. We are in the process of looking for him. Surprisingly, any silly thing he writes is published by Ghanaweb". After this, she lunged at Nana Akufo Addo, accusing him of all the silliest things that crossed her midget brain while probably drooling all over the microphone she was talking into.

For the attention of Asantehene, the people like Esther and his (Asantehene's) advisers who only always tell him what he wants to hear but not the truth that he needs to hear are his worst enemies. If they had given him sound advice about the Kumawu stool dispute, telling him to better stay away without conducting himself about as though he was God, he would not have suffered any chastisement by whomever.

Sounding a word of caution to that Esther, if ever she should go on air to make any further irresponsible statements about those of us standing against the abuse of power by our deceitful traditional leaders, I shall take her on in such a way that she will live to regret the day that she was born.

To Asantehene, I am agreeing a unilateral truce but not without sounding a word of caution "SE KEKREKEKRE NO GYAE A, KUKRUKUKRU NSO BEGYAE"

Nobody gloats over the death of a fellow human being since we are all destined to day someday. However, when a public figure like Kumawuhemaa dies, if indeed she is dead, the public must be informed.

How much of the wealth that we so selfishly, insatiably greedily acquire through dubious means can we carry along with us to the land of the dead (asamando)? "Asem se be?"

Rockson Adofo