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Opinions of Thursday, 31 March 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

This is way too much, Kumawuhemaa

Kumawuhemaa is very notorious for her insolence, pugilistic tendencies and avidness for insulting people regardless of their age and status. She tried it on me sometime in the year 2005 or there about but she failed miserably. I replied her on the phone in the language that she speaks and understands very well even though it is said; two wrongs don't make a right.
Why should I let her go scot free if she has made it her habit to insult, or to disrespect people? If she chooses to demean herself and her family, by running her mouth wallowing in a bubbling pool of insults, I have to help her feel the pain of her absurd insults hence talking back to her as just said. She is morally, professionally and traditionally not fit to be Kumawuhemaa. She is very disgusting in her manners.
She has committed the following unbefitting acts hence this write-up of mine today, Sunday 27th March 2016. There is a certain man (name withheld) in Kumawu. He seems to many people a drunkard. He goes round people's homes hewing or hacking firewood into smaller pieces from bigger pieces – ("odwidwa egya" in Twi), for a living. This is a decent job. It is better than taking up arms to raid people's homes or become highwaymen as it is becoming the order of the day in Ghana nowadays under the most incompetent, corrupt and clueless administration by President Mahama and his NDC party and government.
This man used to go to Kumawuhemaa Nana Abenaa Serwaah Amposah's house to perform the same duties (hacking firewood) for her. The queen would feed him and at times pay him or ask him to do it on credit to her. One day when he went to collect the money owed him by the queen, as it had accumulated over a period of time, the queen angrily asked him, "You, what do you need the money for, tell me! You have neither a wife nor children, what do you need the money for after all? Who are you going to give the money to?"
The man answered back saying, "I am going to chew the money" ("me reko we sika no"), putting his five right hand fingers together and pointing them to his mouth.
Kumawuhemaa felt insulted at his cheeky reply to her. She slapped him, her usual pugilistic behaviour manifesting. She ordered another man (name withheld) present to bind him hand and foot with a rope. After he had been tightly tied as ordered, she put him in her block-fenced compound, in the scorching Sun. She ordered her to stare at the Sun and each time he closed his eyes, the queen would kick him hard with her foot. He was left in the middle of the compound for almost three hours subjected to that inhuman and degrading treatment.
The queen was the first person to be cheeky to the man and she got a cheeky answer. Why should she feel disrespected by the man? Has she forgotten that what goes around comes around? Has she forgotten the principle of action and reaction?
Going back to the sad story, as soon as the strongman bound him hand and foot, he escaped from the house thinking the queen would kill him (the victim) or mistreat the bound person until he became unconscious. He did not want to stay to be implicated in any future or perceived eventual harm or death to the supposed drunkard. However, as the truth is said to always out, in the end, the accomplice (the man who bound the drunkard) himself confided the crime to someone and it has travelled that far and wide to reach my desk. Truly, walls have ears and you can't shield crime from exposure forever.
Kumawuhemaa has gone a step too far. What she did constitutes a crime. It could have damaged the person's eyesight if it is not already damaged. In future, she should be mindful of those surrounding her. How would I know if her accomplice did not mention it to someone else? I shall in future reveal the person's identity if need be.
Again, Kumawuhemaa has been lying through her teeth to some people about the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. She has been painting some people she perceives to be against her roguish stance on the case black to those prominent and rich people who are ready to listen to her lies and complete nonsense.
Once when she met a prominent person from Kumawu but who does not give a hoot about how Kumawuman goes, whether the people will die or not, whether the area will develop or not, she did as follows. She mentioned the names of two very rich people from Kumawuman who she perceives to be supportive of the Ananangyas/Odumases in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy saga. She said to the man, "Look at these two people, as extremely rich as they are, they still want to take chunks of Kumawuman lands free. They still want to take all Kumawuman's money to add to their personal wealth but that is what I am fighting against. The people of Kumawuman are suffering but these rich people want to exploit them. If you were me, the custodian of the land and money for the collective welfare of the people, would you sit down for these two individuals to do that?" The person said no. The queen said that is exactly what I am doing, to prevent them from cheating the people.
She then produced some documents to show to the person. Ever since, she has won the support of that person through her blatant lies.
Let it be known to the whole world and whoever is interested in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute that Kumawuhemaa is the one who has rather teemed up with some selfish and unlettered individuals to sabotage Kumawuman. For the satisfaction of her insatiable greed, utter stupidity and lack of foresight, she wants to allow Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, once her boyfriend, to come to steal the lands and money belonging to Kumawuman. She wants to allow Asantehene, thus, Kumasiman to control Kumawuman by twisting Kumawu history.
I have all the necessary documents, and continue to assemble further documents, to buttress my claim on the fact that Kumawuhemaa and her alleged puppet Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua are colluding with Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to selfishly exploit Kumawuman to the hilt.
I shall earnestly entreat Kumawuhemaa to tell nothing but the truth at all times and also, not to repeat what she did to the alleged drunkard that she cruelly punished, for that is a way too much if she indeed did as the accomplice has divulged to the public.
Finally, she has to ask her son, Dr Yaw Sarfo, to behave himself. He is alleged to have threatened to ask the police to stop Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua from celebrating his sister's funeral on Saturday 2nd April 2016. I think he is only playing advance April fool since Diana will be laid in state on Friday, 1st April 2016. If he rather means to execute his nonsense according as alleged, then he has to bear in mind the principle of action and reaction. If he plays with fire, fire will consume him. This is the personal view of Mr No-Nonsense (The Writer).
Rockson Adofo