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Opinions of Friday, 3 April 2020

Columnist: Abdul Karim Imran

This, too, will pass

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Ghana - our beloved country - has gone through a plethora of difficult times in its history as a nation. We, its citizenry, have sunk into the hopelessness of disappearing and we have hit the rock bottom so many times in our history. However, whenever this happens, we learn to be more enthusiastic and optimistically determined, such that we always rise and climb our way back to the top.

Knowing that one cannot sink any lower when at rock bottom, our only resort, as a people, have always been to bounce back and go up. This prowess of being able to bounce back, time and again, after fallen, even in worst times of catastrophe, has projected Ghana as a beacon of hope for Africa.

Given the news and information we consume every day, as far as the outbreak of COVID-19 – the now pandemic – is concerned, it is expectantly so natural to be enveloped by fear and panic. With global media intimidations and the circulation of an uncommon awareness, warning from medical and psychological experts and from media bodies that have made this pandemic a priority, without often analyzing or giving adequate information or correct data, people have been left in a panic. People are in the states of worry and fear for the health and lives of themselves and their loved ones, causing them to suffer from anxiety and nervousness.

Our plans and daily routines have changed and have gone contrary to our expectations, since the beginning of this crisis. Countries have closed their borders, schools have rescheduled their teaching and learning approaches to electronic means, conferences have been cancelled, marriages and football matches have been postponed, markets, malls, gym centres and parks are all on shut down. This is the difficult time we are living in, now. It is a time of peril. Everything happening now contributes to personifying the premonition “We are not in ordinary times”.

Despite the fact that this time is not an ordinary time, be rest assured that this painful crisis will pass as if it has never happened. Even if it this crisis is affecting and deteriorating the global economy and diplomatic relations as a whole, the situation, I’m very optimistic, will return to its usual state because verily, after every difficulty, there is a promised relief.

What is happening now is a golden opportunity to absorb and apply what the prophet (P.B.U.H) offered many centuries ago - essential lessons for protecting humanity now and then, during any pandemic at any time and place.

History will record everything happening at this critical time and nothing would be missed. Documentation of what is transpiring now would be read by generations after generations - that in a very long time ago, in the year 2020 to be precise, a deadly viral pandemic, COVID-19, emerged and claimed thousands of lives across the globe.

Rest assured, this pandemic may last for some time, as it is a divine test for all mankind. Nonetheless, with our mercy to one another, solidarity, and the benevolence of God, we shall pass this test.

You see ... whatever the matter, interact and possess the spirit of hope. Inevitably, this crisis will end in the coming days, because the permanence of a situation is quite a remote possibility – almost always impossible.