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Opinions of Saturday, 7 January 2012

Columnist: Sayibu, Akilu

Three Years Of NDC Failures- What Next?

Three years ago on January 7, 2009, a new government was sworn into office to steer the affairs of the republic of Ghana. That government won a knife-edge election which was described as the closest ever in African elections in recent times. That government was formed by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) led by an Associate professor of law- John Mills.

As if by design, the swearing-in-ceremony John Mills did not go on very well- as the new president was heard murmuring the oath of office. He made two fundamental promises that day; I will be a father for all and I will hit the grounds running. Ghanaians it must be said voted for “change” because the economic situation in the country was said to be out of shape according to the NDC.

They made eye-catching promises to the extent that, Ghanaians believed in their “efficacy” to turn things around. The good old professor was also believed at least by some when he echoed his father for all mantra on state Television. Then the drama started. It was first at the seat of government that vehicles belonging to former state officials were “kidnapped” by Victor Smith a member of the new administration. He was awarded rather than reprimanded with an ambassadorial position after over turning vehicles in a Rambo liked state at the Castle!

Passports of ex-government officials were seized with Stephen Asamoah Boateng stopped at the last minute by some security operatives from boarding a flight abroad for some urgent assignment without any initial notification. The BNI was on the loose arresting people indiscriminately in all directions with some dying in their custody. Several human rights courts of competent jurisdiction in the country ruled against the conduct of the BNI in some cases but they remained adamant and continued to violate human rights and dignity in the country under the supervision of John Mills.

The government which promised to fight corruption became an epitome of corruption with its transitional committee spending 1.3B on tea during its sittings. An associate of the new administration was also reported to have spent closer to 1.6B on what was described as Christmas hampers to “Ghost” Journalists to do publicity works for the new management.

Then a financier of the new government was paid over 520BGHC under mysterious circumstances in judgment debts which has now become known as the Wayomigate’s scandal and the topical issue begging for answers in the country presently. The approach of government to this Wayomi’s case is said to be deplorable. As an attempt by the government to defend one of its own has rather aggravated the situation with the Minority in parliament currently calling for a public inquiry into the matter.

Almost every promise the new NDC government made before its election by Ghanaians was reneged upon. They said when they were looking for power that, it was wrong to buy Jets for the country and that the money to be used to buy any Jets could be used to boast the economy but when they eventually took government they bought four Jets!

They promised to get more women involved in the governance of the country, 40percent of its appointments they said was to go to women but on assuming power they have done the reverse.

They promised to create employment for graduates of our tertiary institutions in the country but are rather doing the reverse. Currently there is unemployed graduates association in the country!

They promised to build about 30,000 affordable houses for Ghanaians under STX but failed. Though the Minority had cautioned them about the procedures and processes of the deal from day one, their defence then was that the minority were “Jealous”.

The government that promised to protect and defend the human rights of Ghanaians had three Ghanaians killed in broad day light in front of a police station at Agbogloshie in Accra and nobody was arrested for the heinous crime. They promised to fight cocaine but in their time cocaine turned to soap in police custody!

Those of us who are from Dagbon were so happy, when the government said it had audio and video on the Dagbon crisis of March 2002 and that, it was to play it on national television for peace to return to the area and for the perpetrators to face justice when elected into office. Less than a year to the end of its rule, not even a dummy audio or video has been provided to help restore peace, love and unity in Dagbon.

They said they cared about our health and were to introduce a one term NHIS premium to make health care available and affordable to all, three years down the line, they are yet to fulfill that promise!

They promised to introduce the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) to accelerate development of the three Northern regions. Three years down the line Northerners are yet to benefit from that promise and the initial amount promise to be paid to SADA has collapsed!

Though, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) introduced, the Youth in Employment Programmed, the Capitation Grant, the National Health Insurance Scheme, the School Feeding Programme among other social interventions, persons who were/are seen to be NPP sympathizers have been sacked from these sectors by the father for all man.

It is now a case of what Dagombas say “Nyuri Sohimma” meaning my lover has disappointed me. It is a long list of disappointments with foot-soldiers of the NDC beating their own appointees, locking out their national officers and issuing open threats on both the electronic and print media without any action being taken against them by “the protected of human rights government.” It is a tale of lawlessness and hopelessness!

As we get into yet another election year, my admonition to the electorates in Ghana is that, you have shopped in the political market of the two major political parties in Ghana thus the NDC and the NPP. It is obvious that the NDC has shamefully reneged on all its pre-election promises.

The best thing to do is to show them the exit by voting against their insults, their arrogance and above all their failed promises by selecting Nana Akuffo- Addo as president of Ghana and the NPP parliamentary candidates to help save the country from the current mesh.

May I remind readers to endeavour to register to vote when the Electorate Commission of Ghana starts the Biometric registration exercise later this year to enable them effect a positive change for the good of all of us.

BY AKILU SAYIBU. The writer is the New Patriotic Party Parliamentary Candidate for Tamale North. He can be reached at [email protected]