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Opinions of Saturday, 11 June 2022

Columnist: Appiah-Danquah Kufuor

Time to end this ex- gratia brouhaha

Togbe Afede X1V is the Agbogbomefia of Asogli state Togbe Afede X1V is the Agbogbomefia of Asogli state

As a matter of principle, respect, and etiquette I always keep my counsel to my “brother, friend, and King” Togbe Afede X1V confidential. For almost 20 years, I have never revealed our private conversations to the electronic media or any individual but on this occasion, your Majesty permit me to break my golden rule. I will be brief.

I do not intend to comment on the brouhaha surrounding the return of the ex-gratia paid to his majesty. Togbe Afede X1V has already returned the monies into the coffers of the Government, it is up to the Government what it does with the returned cash. The intellectual, political, social, and economic debate surrounding the toxic issue of ex-gratia and all its connotations will be left for another day.

Like Togbe, I am hurting, upset, and saddened by the actions and responses of Paul Adom Otchere to the genuine concerns of his “old friend Togbe”. At a certain critical point in Paul’s life, Togbe contributed his widow’s mite to enable Paul to climb the tree a bit quicker. Yes, we all need a lift in life or someone to lean on during times of difficulties. Indeed, Eric Boadu, myself, Paul, and many other countless numbers of young men/women can attest to the generosity, kindness, and benevolence of Togbe.

Togbe Afede X1V, let me re-iterate that most of the lassies and lads that you have given a “leg up” in life are grateful. Never stop being caring or warm in spirit.

Paul has every right to constructively criticise Togbe’s actions and methods which is his democratic and journalistic right even as an old friend. When all the dust is settled, we will still be interdependent, depending on the love, graciousness, and companionship of each other. When we have the humility and grace to remove the lenses of NPP/NDC/CPP in our eyes we will still be brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunties sharing, laughing, and caring for each other.

As long as there are bigots, tribalistic morons, opinionated zealots, narrow- mindedness buffoons all over the world the gun will not stay silent on the streets and schools of the USA. Similarly, there would be people in Ghana who will think, act and behave as if they are superior beings by virtue of being born at Nkawie or belonging to a certain tribe (laughable).

Readers may not be aware that: (a) President Kufuor appointed Togbe Afede X1V to the Board of the Bank of Ghana; (b)the appointment letter was handed over to Togbe by his best friend and junior brother of President Kufuor (late George Kufuor)and that George and Togbe were like brothers.

Subsequently, Togbe Afede X1V and his late mother accepted me as a brother, son, and family member. I am highly honoured, and thank the Lord that I have been given the opportunity to enjoy the absolute love of the family of Togbe in particular and the people of the Volta Region in general. (Akpee!). I have touched and felt the love of the wonderful Ewe people and that will stay with me till my maker calls me.

To my brother and King, I know you are hurt but I would leave you with these words from Nelson Mandela as he walked out of the prison doors

“As I walked out of the door toward the gate that would lead me to freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I would still be in prison”.

I know how you feel, we have discussed it many times and I share your pain. Please take solace in Genesis 45. To Paul, I wish you had never said these words “I used Togbe’s cars for 2 hours “or. “What is the point about this?” in reference to the payment of the fees. Maybe Paul, will reflect just for a minute or two and check out Luke 17:17-18.

As a “brother, friend, and confidante to Togbe Afede X1V, I can confidently say there will be no court action and we will draw a line under this magnificent gesture. Togbe fully understands the principle of forgiveness as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ.

With Paul, I hope and pray that he remembers the good old days with his then-friend and acts accordingly.

May the Good Lord keep watch over us.