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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.

To Make Lies And Corruption Work Easy?

By: Stephen A. Quaye.

What message does President John Dramani Mahama, the flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress, [NDC] has for the people as his campaign tool for them to retain him as president for another four yours?

Someone asked me this simple question whiles waiting for a social gathering to kick off in Toronto recently. As the starting of the programme was delaying and people got bored, we formed a group to start having a chat whiles still waiting and this was the first question.

The gentleman didn’t know the NDC presidential candidate’s campaign message for the people and no one has been able to tell him too so he wanted to know so he can assess all the policies adopted by the parties going into the election and make an inform choice.
Quickly, a guy standing by told him O, he says Ghanaians should re-elect him so he can continue the better Ghana agenda started by the late president John Evans Atta Mills which Ghanaians are really benefiting from the good works.
This created laughter as another guy asked him,” what agenda, better Ghana agenda or bitter Ghana agenda?” “tswiaa, ekomdiyen, ecomini, agenda that has brought a lot of hardship on Ghanaians that he wants to continue?”

“Hey guys, that is alright, didn’t you hear the president speaking at Ho the last time the party launched its manifesto? I listened to everything via online radio on my laptop and the president asked all to vote for his parliamentary candidates to make his work easier for him” a man believed to be a staunch NDC faithful interjected.

As if they have gone through some rehearsals, three members straightly asked,” is that the entire message he has for the people and wants them to vote for him?” This created laughter amongst us.

Why this back and forth debate? Just because the people are simply not aware of any good campaign message from the NDC and for that matter the presidential candidate to woo them to vote for him and the NDC party come December 7,elections.

They are aware of the New Patriotic Party, [NPPs] presidential candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo’s message of pragmatic policy adopted for implementation when elected as president and that is the free SHS education policy which has caught on well with the electorates and even people in the diaspora.

Also, they are aware of the Progressive People’s Party,[PPP] presidential candidate Papa Kwesi Nduom,[a.k.a. Adwumawura] realistic promise of granting citizenship to all Ghanaians in the diaspora to come back and contribute to the development of the country as many Ghanaians have receive the promise with joy.

Come to the NDC presidential candidate and you will still ask what realistic promise has he made to the people so far, he said,” Ghanaians should vote for his MPs to make his work easier” period.

Many have not receive the message with joy as they keep on asking the same question again and again that what work should the MPs be voted for to make it easier for him? I do not know and will also like to ask the same question.
Let us ask the president the simple question,” what work to be made easier for him? Is it the horrible economic, social and political situation under his watch as incumbent president that a vote for his MPs will make it easier for him?
The energy crisis, high cost of living, expensive inefficient healthcare, high cost of education, housing, transportation and utility deliveries.
The rising rates of unemployment, crime, ritual murders, drug trafficking and selective justice as well as the high incidence of official corruption committed by the same ministers and MPs and discrimination is that what he was talking about to make his work as president easier?

All these horrible economic, social and political situations presently going on should prick the conscience of the Ghanaian voter to wake up and make an inform choice by giving their votes to the party and candidate which has the pragmatic policies which when implemented will move the country forward not backwards.

Seriously, people are asking what message does the NDC have for the people and what work when its MPs are elected will make it easier for president Mahama as he claim?

We do not know.

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